The Wedding

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This is the last place he wants to be, thinks Omer while swirling his glass of whiskey. He is at his cousin Pamir's wedding. It's sheer luck on Pamir's part or bad fortune on his; that he met Pamir two weeks before his wedding. He had met Pamir when he was sloshed at a bar in Rome. They say don't ever promise anyone when you are drunk. He should have probably listened to them. Sloshed Omer doesn't think of any consequence. He gave his word to his cousin, and now he is here. Attending a wedding, when he still experiences the trauma of the last wedding he attended. His own.

He takes a huge gulp of his whiskey neat to block the flashes of Her in all her wedding glory. She looked glorious that day. The day which was supposed to be the best day of his life turned out to be the day he was destroyed. The memories of that day were so painful, his mind blocked all trauma of what all happened after the wedding. His mind knowingly doesn't remember up until a week after his wedding. All the memories he has are of waking up in Rome and afterwards. After spending two years away erasing every single memory of her, he thought his heart is shattered into so many pieces, he didn't think it was possible to feel that deep pang in his chest seeing all the wedding decorations around him. But he did.

He is very happy for Pamir. Pamir is his cousin after all. He has spent his childhood with him and never thought Pamir was the settling type. But seeing him so happy, and so excited about the wedding, he knew why his drunk self couldn't say no.

But now that Omer is here, living his old nightmare again, he regrets his decision. He thought he was brave enough. He thought he was over her. But apparently, he has been fooling his mind ever since. Because all his mind expects is for Defne to walk towards him, looking glorious in her wedding gown and those shoes he so lovingly designed for her.

Omer downs the remanent drink and is about signal to a waiter to get another one when he gets an odd tingling feeling at the end of his fingertips and his heart starts beating wildly. He doesn't remember feeling this way in the past two years. From the corner of his eye, he could see someone walking in his direction in a white gown. Trying his best to calm himself, he looks towards the vision in white walking towards him.

His whole being freezes up when he recognizes the oh so familiar face walking up to him with her face turned towards Pamir. The empty glass slips from his hands and falls on the carpet, his body reacting to the shock, while his mind is still in a state of chaos; trying to process if this is real or a dream.

The woman suddenly looks at him and his heart stops beating for a moment. The woman walking towards him, looking heartbreakingly beautiful in her wedding glory is Defne. The shock of it is so huge that he couldn't grasp what is a dream and what is reality. Pamir's voice brings him out of his reverie. Pamir moves a hand in front of Omer, pulls the woman towards him by her waist as if to show her off and smiles the proud smile at Omer.

"She is very beautiful isn't she Omer?" utters Pamir while looking at her. While looking at His Defne.

Omer knows in his heart that the woman standing in front of him is Defne. But she is not his Defne. Because his Defne had the shine in her eyes which when dimmed, made his breathing difficult. Her lips were always curved upwards, welcoming people, and making them feel at ease. Her smile always made him feel like the happiest man in the world. Defne's face was not harsh. His Defne had the softest, the kindest face. Looking at her kind face made the cynic in him believe that there is still goodness in people. Her red fiery hair was his favourite feature. The shade of which was so unique he could identify her amongst millions of people. The woman standing in front of him had no shine in her eyes, her eyes had no light, she was unsmiling, and she had dyed her hair blonde which was cut short till her shoulders.

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