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Author's note: Hello! This is another archived RP with my good friend ZekeTheKamikaze. For ease of reading, Zeke's posts will be labeled with a Z, and mine will be C for Cake! Volk belongs to Zeke while Arivil and the world belongs to me!

C- The noonday sky was filled with dark smoke, choking the green light of the lush forests. Arivil ducked beneath the cover of a log as the chaos dragged down the mountainside. A loud canon fire cracked through the air, nearly deafening to the hidden onlooker. A blinding red light flashed over the opposing army, then they were blinked out of existence. A large orc towards the front of his army flinched and his ears flicked back in irritation. He studied the empty space where his enemies had disappeared, then whirled around to face the infantry men manning the canon. "What the bloody fuck were you thinking?! That was our only Shidetan canon! We don't even know what it does!"

The orc gestured to the now emptied out woods. "Well it looks like it does that."

The orc commander growled through his teeth, then faced the clearing. "We'll wait out until the fog clears. Fall back until then. I'll break you for this when this is over."

The flash of light had mostly dissipated at this point, though there was a lingering pale mist. Indecipherable objects and echoes of sounds seemed to blink in and out of reality in a flicker of red light.

With that, the orcs began to travel back up the mountainside. The lone Rivilian however, went in the opposite direction, silently approaching the perimeter of the thick fog.

Z- *A form materializes in the fog, wearing strange gear, their mask and helmet making it hard to discern their race. It held a rifle of some sort in hand, brushing something off of it's long coat as it walls out of the fog, looking around in what can best be described as bewilderment, if you could see their face. It kept it's weapon at the ready as it pressed our of the fog; probably in case of attack.*

C- Arivil froze on their tracks as they spotted the alien figure, then ducked behind a tree trunk for cover. Well their goal was to look for survivors, but this figure looked so different to them. Why were they acting afraid though? They shouldn't be afraid. They should be helping out.

They took a deep breath, then stepped out of the way of the tree, summoning their voice. "Get out of the fog. It could be dangerous."

Z- *The thing turns towards the Rivilian, the gas mask making any expression unreadable. After a moment, he steps further from the fog, before responding bluntly, his masculine voice having a flat accent, but it was obscured by his mask* "Thank you, I had no idea that the air could be poisonous." *He grunts, motioning to his mask. Though the expression was still unreadable, the tone was soaked in blunt sarcasm. He looked the newcomer up and down, however, likely as confused about their appearance as they were of his.*

C- Arivil let out a frustrated sigh. "I didn't mean poison. I meant Shidetan tech. Their stuff is always unpredictable and it just cleared out an entire fleet where you're standing. Didn't you notice any of that...?"

Z- "Shidetan?" *He grumbles, botching the pronunciation as he didn't seem to recognize the word. He looked around at the surroundings, not seeming to recognize anything.* "No, I missed it."

C- "Yeah. The wizards selling weapons to Gunhil." Arivil said. They cocked their head at him, trying to make sense of his clothing and his pronunciation of the word, which should be common knowledge here.

"You don't... look like a Utronan soldier." They said slowly.

Z- "No, I'm not." *He says, simply.* "Where are we?" *it was almost hard to tell he was asking a question, just because of the naturally flat tone of his voice.*

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