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C- Ren put down the loading ramp and opened the door to the vessel. They were on another air base, and the change of temperature was immediately apparent, well below freezing on this new world. Some men and women in white camo uniforms approached the wrecked vessel.

"Step out of the ship with your hands above your heads." One of them called out.

Ren groaned, getting out of his seat and stormed outside. "Hye, it's me."

The Shidetan narrowed her eyes at the newcomers. "Ren? That was the most shitty, informal landing I've ever witnessed. Get out here."

Z- *With Ren exiting first, at least that would partially help diffuse the situation..  at least until they saw the other two occupants on the vessel who both looked like hell. Volk heads out first, keeping his hands raised as he would assume being covered in blood was a bit of a red flag. He still seemed to want to keep a bit of distance from Arivil, likely to keep them from getting too nervous about getting shoved in him again, though it was unlikely to work.*

C- Arivil followed after Volk, trailing behind a fair distance, while folding their arms close. They felt very self-conscious about their blood-soaked appearance.

Hye's eyes followed the newcomers, raising a brow. "What the hell happened?"

"We were attacked by Jopher's privateers on the way over. Those two took care of it." Ren explained.

"Gods... Well let's get you inside and get you cleaned up." Hye said. "Ren, I'm sorry, you'll have to stay out here a little longer while I sort out this lovely disaster."

Some of the other Shidetians motioned for Volk and Arivil to follow, leading them towards a modest building across the field. The air was freezing out here, and the wind wasn't kind.

Z- *Volk lowers his hands once they've been vouched for, wrapping them around himself. He was glad his uniform kept any of him from being exposed, but the cold weather still bit, as his equipment wasn't exactly designed with freezing temperatures in mind. He follows them towards the building, eager to get this over with.*

C- Inside the base was much warmer. The Shidetan led them over to a separate area where they accepted guests. It was all just one room with two bunk beds and a bathroom. The Shidetans offered spare changes of clothes for both of them, which were much warmer for this region. They matched the clothing of the other shidetans on the base, being white camo uniforms with warm fabric and a soft inner layer to insulate heat. Arivil took their set of clothing and went ahead to be bathroom to get cleaned up without a word.

Z- *Volk looks the clothes over, tempted to just not use it... but the weather was convincing. He sighs, getting undressed with a uncomfortable groan. Least Arivil was occupied with... getting his stomach contents off of them. Should be a while before they get back. So he would take his time with it, taking off his rebreather as well to make it a bit easier, and then starts putting on the uniform. Once that's done, he tucks the bottoms of his pants back into his boots, putting his puttees back on after that, and then finishing with putting on his rebreather. He looked over his overcoat, which needed to be hosed down again, and patched in a few places after he'd been shot. He would get to work on that while he waited, pulling a kit from his bag.*

C- Arivil finished up cleaning themselves soon enough, then got to work patching up their wounds, mostly not wanting them to show through the white fabric if they started bleeding again. Once that was handled, they cleaned off their old clothes and shoes to the best of their ability and left them on the shower curtain rack to dry. They emerged back into the room, freezing when they saw Volk there, working on his own thing. They shook themselves out of it, quickly stepping past him wordlessly and climbed up into the top bunk of one of the beds, curling up.

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