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*It wouldn't take long for the ship to get back, due to the sheer length of his stride, and soon the other members of the party were dropped I to the waiting area as well, Volk still checked out and unmoving, while the others look about as traumatized as Khotol*

C- Khotol seemed mostly spaced out at the moment, but got up and moved back a little to give the newcomers more space (or maybe to give herself more space). Arivil immediately checked the well-being of their comrades, then crouched down next to poor Volk and began trying to heal his wounds. They looked to the others with concern. "Everyone else okay?"

Z- *Ikari and Ives looked a bit rough, but they weren't seriously injured. Manny, however, was missing, likely having taken the opportunity to get away from the base.*

*Volk, however, should have been dead. Hell; the shot to the chin should have downed him. The healing helps, but he seems to have been healing himself, to some extent, and it was probably why he collapsed like that, as without getting a sufficient "fill" during the fight probably made it impossible to stay conscious and heal at the same time. He twitches a bit as Arivil starts to work, but it feels... off. Instead of going towards patching the injuries directly, it seems like he was just feeding on what Arivil was giving him... an unsettling thought.*

C- The healing quickly tired out Arivil and they had to take a break after a while, once Volk seemed "stable" enough. It was still remarkable that he was alive. They glanced at Ives questioningly. "Where did Richthofen go? Is he...? He didn't get killed, did he?"

Z- "No, no. Noped out of dodge once the building started going down. Probably flying around somewhere." *Ives shrugged, seeming unconcerned.*

*Ikari doesn't keep his eyes off of Khotol, clearly not trusting her, but too exhausted to make a move... probably a small blessing.*

"So what's the plan then? Did someone give the boat a route?" *Ives asks.* "Or are we trusting the instincts of a man who decided to wreck a base after being captured and one of us was nearly killed, and one of us was."

C- "I don't really know the plan, honestly. I mean, I was dead until like a minute ago," they snorted, trying to make light of the situation.

Z- "That's true, yeah." *Ives looks over at Khotol* "Oy, Green Chimp Broad. You got something there? Bring it over."

C- Khotol narrowed her eyes, not seeming to like the nickname, but didn't comment on it. She sighed then went over to join them, bringing the map over and handed it to him.

Z- "Thanks." *He gives her a grin, then starts looking over the notes. He then gets up, taking the papers with him, and heading off, likely to give Ollie directions, assuming the ship would need him to use some sort of device on the bridge to do so.*

*This left the pair with Ikari, who didn't understand a lick of Common, and an unconscious Volk, who may or may not get up and bite someone if he was still starving.*

C- Arivil sat awkwardly on the floor as they were left behind. They sighed, then returned their focus to healing Volk again.

The orc turned her attention to Ikari in curiosity, seeming especially interested in the creatures with the likeness to ancient dragons, which were revered in her religion. She still appeared relatively reserved, however, keeping whatever thoughts going through her head to herself.

Z- *Volk remains down, but his wounds seemed more or less healed, though it was difficult to tell with how he was covered. He'd probably be ok with some rest.*

*Ikari noticed the Orc looking at him, barking in irritation and hissing, bearing a bit of teeth at the end of his Draconic response.*
"Don't stare at me like I'm some sort of exotic animal. I've fought your kind over 300 years. You should know what a fucking Saurian is."

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