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Z- *Ikari didn't seem to have planned on returning to that room anyway, and just slips over the opening, continuing on, sniffing the air a moment, before leading down another passage way. He knocks down a vent again once he reaches the one he was looking for, growls .... something at Arivil, then dives down the opening, into the cell block.*

C- They were met by the sight of the Shidetans from before. Two were tending to their wounded comrades, while the other had been checking all of the cells to make sure they were secure. Ikari's abrupt entrance certainly attracted the attention of them, and he was quickly greeted by a hasty energy blast aimed towards him from one of the makeshift medics. Arivil gasped, then began crawling further down the vent, trying to get behind the other Shidetan from above.

Z- *Ikari dives and rolls, drawing his swords as he does so, then leaps up after the dodge, slicing upwards at his attacker's torso before making another slice to their throat.*

C- Blood spurted out of their throat and torso and they collapsed to the ground in a pool of blood. The two wounded Shidetans tried to get to their feet to limp out of the way. The one by the cell held out one hand at Ikari with a snarl. An energy seemed to be drawn from Ikari from the action, seeming to slowly drain from him with a spreading cold soreness as if he had just run for days, and it steadily grew worse. At the same time, the Shidetan's other hand began to glow to charge up a blast.

Arivil dropped down from the vent from behind the attacking Shidetan. Quickly trying to assess what was going on, they limped toward the Shidetan and dropped to a crouch while swiping a kick towards the Shidetan's legs from behind to try to break his focus from his attack at Ikari.

Z- *Ikari moves to strike, but as his energy is drained he comes up short, staggering. He then starts breathing heavily, his feathers and tail notably drooping. He attempts a snarl in outrage at this that comes out as a weak hiss.*

*When Arivil makes contact, however, he starts trying to shake off the effects, but he was still noticeably drained, and it would definitely take a few minutes, leaving Arivil the only one at the moment in fighting condition.*

C- The Shidetan's focus was broken for a second, and he turned to attack Arivil. His hold over Ikari was broken, beginning to release its draining effect over him. He fired his prepared shot at Arivil's chest, knocking them backwards, sending them skidding across the floor. They skidded backwards with a pained gasp, trying to weakly scramble back to their feet. The blast had knocked the wind out of them and likely bruised or cracked their ribs, and it would take a minute to recover, a minute they didn't have time for, with the Shidetan advancing. He didn't seem to see Ikari as a threat any longer, turning his back to the lizard momentarily.

Z- *Ikari was still too wiped to quickly fight back with his swords... so he switches to his rifle... quickly, then draws on the Shidetan, and fires.*

C- A single shot did the trick, tearing through the man's back and sent him toppling on top of Arivil. Blood splattered over them and they coughed weakly, trying to push the Shidetan's corpse off of them. The two remaining injured Shidetans continued to attempt to flee out of the corridor.

Z- *Ikari aims again, having almost a full clip still, and opens fire on the others as they attempt to run, before helping Arivil out, whether or not he downed any of them.*

C- Both shots meet their mark, killing them mid-stride, skidding against the ground in their own blood from their momentum.

Arivil got to their feet, leaning against the wall with a grunt of pain. "Thanks," they said numbly. They put their hand on the nearest keypad and got to work on unlocking it. They were pretty drained, and they doubted they'd have luck in being able to unlock all of the cells.

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