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Z- *Volk wakes up early, slipping off of the bed and then heading back to grab his coat. Once he's fully dressed once more, he heads to the pantry, and starts scavenging about, likely looking for food. And not quietly.*

C- The morning came when the planet eclipse ended, and the sky cleared up. The light was still muted outside because of the tree canopy overshadowing the city.

Volk didn't find much luck finding much more of a variety of food than granola bars and instant oatmeal packets, and a half-full jug of milk in the mini fridge. There was also a coffee pot stored in one of the cabinets with a bag of coffee grinds. The ruckus in the kitchen quickly woke Arivil up, and they quickly sat up, facing the noise. Oh, it was just the creepy guy. They yawned, leaning back tiredly. They hadn't slept well. Too many freakish dreams of carnage. "G'mornin." They murmured. "There's some oatmeal in that bag by the mini fridge if you're looking for breakfast. Just add water and microwave for a coupl' minutes."

Z- "Oatmeal?" *He asks, looking at the collection there. Hmmm. He grabs the box of bars, seeming unwilling to trust the milk and starts working on making coffee on the stove after dumping the box of granola bars in his bag.*

C- Arivil watched as he took most of their meager food supplies and forced themself to keep their lips sealed instead of protesting. Well that was a bummer. Money wasn't easy for them to come by. But they supposed letting the crazy war criminal taking their food was better than getting shot or stabbed or something... Or eaten...

How the hell was he hungry after eating a whole person? How did he even look *normal* after eating an orc a good head taller than him? They weren't even sure if any of the stuff they had seen was real, and they didn't think it was a good idea to question it. Playing it nice seemed safest...

"So... What are you going to do today? Working on finding a way off world?"

Z- "Mmm. Yeah." *He grunts, working on the coffee. He wasn't the most talkative individual. He pours his cup, then goes to a corner with his stolen snacks and the mug, apparently not trusting seats much either, deciding squatting in the corner was a more suitable dining location. He sets the mug down on the floor, and pulls a bar out of his bag.*

C- They watched him carefully as he did so, half-curious, half-afraid of seeing what his face looked like beneath that mask. They quickly caught themself, however, and tried not to stare. Instead, they helped themselves to their own cup of coffee, pouring in some milk to season it. They got out another mug and began to microwave some oatmeal in it while sitting on the counter.

They sipped at their coffee carefully, not taking their eyes off of him. "Do you... at least know how far you are from home? Not much is known outside the Igdran system... I don't know if many commercial ships would take you outside of there..."

Z- *Satisfied that he had... almost as much privacy as he'd have, without just eating in the bathroom, he takes the mask off, and starts munching on the bar. He looked... pretty much just human, young, likely just over 18, with dark hair and cold blue eyes. He doesn't bother to look at them, instead turning around to face away from his unwilling roommate.* "As far as I know I am not even on the same plane of existence. I need to find one of your.... wizards."

C- Arivil seemed to visibly relax once he revealed his face. No crazy Eldrich monstrosity, good...

"Wait, you mean like, a... huh." The idea of a different plane of existence seemed to surprise them, but they tried their best to focus, rather than fixating on this topic. "Well... if we can find a way to Shidet, that's my best bet. Commercial flights don't go there, but maybe if we rented out a ship, we'd be able to get there. The weapon that seemed to zap you here is manufactured on that moon, so if we can find the manufacturers, they'd probably know the way back."

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