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C- Arivil returned after a good while, wearing their dark clothing from before they had changed into the white camo. The rest of their now tattered and stained clothing was being left out to dry.

They went to sit in a corner on the floor across from the couch, pulling their legs close and stared ahead blankly. They wanted to be angry at Volk, but they were just left... empty, and confused. They couldn't quite process everything just yet.

Z- *Volk glances over at them as they return, before standing up, grabbing the chips and water and putting them next to Arivil. He then returns to the couch, picking up a magazine off the table and starting to look it over.*

C- Arivil merely glanced at the chips and water for a moment, then sighed, opening the bottle and downed the whole thing before setting it aside. They studied Volk, not sure what to say about this for a good long while.

"Was it you, or the parasite?" They finally broke the silence.

Z- "I don't know what you mean." *He responds simply, not bothering ask for further clarification, or look up from the magazine as he turns a page.*

C- "You ate me." They said blankly. "And you're acting like it was nothing."

Z- "You're fine, so it was nothing. If anything, you're better off than when you went in." *Still no looking up, he obviously doesn't get the problem of it.*

C- Their eyes watered. They hugged their knees closer, visibly tense. "It's not okay." They paused for a moment, trying to keep their voice level, though their breaths were shaking. "I was scared... I didn't know if I'd ever get out of there again... It hurt so bad... And the worst thing was being there with those Shidetans... It's my fault... I should've intervened instead of just letting them die... I promised I wouldn't hurt anyone else... And they're dead, but I'm still here because I'm freaking cursed..."

They noticed their cheeks were wet and hastily wiped their face on their shirt with a sniffle. "And I thought you were a cause worth fighting for because I related to you, but I can't even trust you not to kill me again."

Z- *That does get Volk's attention, and he looks up, watching Arivil's reaction from behind his mask. He doesn't say any for a few minutes, simply watching them for a minute, before responding.* " ... I'm sorry." *He responds simply, sounding genuine, though awkward saying it, mostly due to his usual social awkwardness.*

C- Arivil looked down at the floor and wiped their nose with a sniffle. Some of the rigid tension seemed to leave their shoulders, though... a sign that the apology might've helped.

This sincere moment was broken when the door suddenly flung open and Ren stood in the doorway with a wide grin, and a good-smelling box in hand. "Gooood morninggg little lovebirds! Hope you had a goooood night! I've got cinnamon rolls!"

Arivil tensed again, pulling up their hood to try to hide their expression from the obnoxious elf.

Z- "Lovebirds? I... I'm sorry. I don't understand...." *He looks over at what Ren has, cocking his head very slightly at the box.*

C- "Ohhh I knowww. Secret is safe with me, kid." Ren tapped his nose with a smirk. He scanned the room, noticing Arivil in the corner. His grin faded. "Errrr... so... it didn't go well, then. Ugh, drama. Great. I'll leave you to it, then." He plopped the box down on the bed, then turned to leave.

Z- ".... Thank you..." *Volk responds quietly, before getting up and going to the bed, grabbing the box and waiting for Ren to leave. He then takes a seat on the floor out of grabbing distance from Arivil, likely as a peace offering, and puts down the box between them. He then scoots back a bit again, takes off his mask, and grabs one of the rolls, starting to eat it while looking down, avoiding eye contact.*

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