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Z- *Volk holds the door for Arivil after he opens it, allowing them to enter first. It probably was just meant as being cautious over their limp and injuries that anything Ren would probably think, but it would likely be noted by them.*

*Ives gives Ren an indignate glare,clearly not happy about the comparison, but he doesn't say anything... Likely because he remembered that Ikari had claimed Ren's bed. He moves to the couch flopping onto it, in a position where he could watch the ensuing chaos.*

*Ollie climbs into one of the beds in that room as well, leaving Ren alone in the next room over.*

*It looked like whoever was in there had already turned the lights out, the room silent when Ren enters.*

C- Ren cast an amused smirk over to Volk and Arivil at the kind gestures before the two entered the next room, which seemed to make Arivil uncomfortable, then he plopped onto one of the beds in the next room over with a tired sigh.

Arivil stopped just inside the doorway, seeing the limited options within, which furthered their discomfort. There was only one bed, a king-sized one. Great... Of course this was intentional of Ren. While they should have been grateful or Ren getting the rooms in the first place, they did feel indignant that Ren felt the need to go this far with his personal shipping that he had interpreted of the two. It just felt out of line.

Z- *As Ren flops into the bed, he'd hit something solid that was already in it, and immediately be hissed at, then snapped at, by something large and reptilian in the bed.*

*Volk doesn't make a comment about it, either not noticing, or caring to validate it with a response. Since he would be sharing bed with... people, he makes an attempt to make it a bit less grating, taking off his boots and greatcoat before crawling in lazily. He did appear a bit... heavier around the middle than the last time they'd seen him without it on. He doesn't take off the mask... either because he was still sort of in a half way point, or because he was too out of it to care about unsettling Arivil farther.*

C- "AGH!" Ren shouted in surprise, scrambling and tumbling off of the bed in the darkness. He hissed in pain, rubbing his head. "What the hell?!"

Arivil just decided on giving up arguing with Volk about sleeping on the floor. They knew he'd pester them about it if they tried. They kicked off their boots and their long coat then settled on the far edge of the bed, turning to face the opposite wall. They had certainly noticed the obvious evidence of Volk's large meal, but tried to force themselves to think of other things. They were exhausted anyways, and they knew resting was more important.

Z- *Whatever it is barks at him, then snarls, red reptilian eyes being the only thing visible in the dark. It doesn't charge, seeming to mostly be a display to tell Ren to back off of it's spot.*

*Volk flops into the bed after Arivil does, turning into his back, which unfortunately takes up a good portion of the bed, simply due to the man's size. He starts snoring shortly thereafter, apparently still pretty wiped. On the plus side, he seems to run pretty warm for a human, a good countermeasure to the cold weather.*

C- Ren scowled, then moved over to the other bed to plop onto it, mumbling words of annoyance under his breath.

With Arivil being cold-blooded, the warmth was an unexpected welcome. They soon drifted to sleep.

Z- *As Arivil starts to drift off, Volk turn onto his side, (hopefully) unintentionally pressing his gut against them, before his tongue flops out of his jaws in a similar fashion as he did at the base... probably a small blessing that Ren decided to "gift" them with the spare room.... regardless of what he hoped would transpire.*

C- Arivil was half-out of it, though they were vaguely aware of the creature's warm breath behind them, and the too close for comfort contact. They uncomfortably tried to shift closer to the edge of the bed.

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