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C- Three orcs emerged from the small base to greet them. Two wore camo BDUs, and the one in the center wore a long furry coat with old fashioned leather armor. He wore an eyepatch with a painting of a blue eye over it, and his graying hair was pulled back into a messy bun.

Wil seemed surprised at the sight of them, seeming to recognize the figures, though for him it didn't seem to be an unpleasant surprise. For Arivil, their face lost its color, and they appeared worried.

"Ah, so it looks like they'll escort you inside safely while I work on the ship. If you aren't vaccinated for Urzina, you can use one of the masks on the backs of your seats. I see you already have that covered," he glanced at Volk approvingly.

Z- *Manny translates the mask request for Ikari quietly, and the three more.... animalistic individuals likely struggle with the masks a bit, due to their facial shapes. Manny puts his on as well, likely just to blend in more than start a fight over it. He notices Arivil's unease, but doesn't say anything, simply patting their shoulder.*

C- Once everyone had their masks on, and Wil had applied his own, he opened up the boarding ramp, allowing the three orcs to approach the vessel. Arivil seemed to appreciate Manny's concern, though it didn't seem to eliminate much of their anxiety. They were thankful for the masks in this case, and pulled up their hood, hoping that would be enough not to be recognized.

"Ah, welcome." The one-eyed orc greeted in Common with a smile. "Come on inside, friends. Let me help ya."

He motioned for them to follow. The two other orcs stepped aboard the ship, beginning to search around. Arivil held their breath, flattening their back against the wall to avoid them.

"What are you doing?" Wil asked, appearing concerned by this intrusion.

"Routine inspection. I'm sure you understand, with this outpost being of high security. Can't have any spies or friends of the Wings here, now can we?"

Wil appeared uncertain at first, then shrugged. "R-right, go ahead, then. I have nothing to hide."

Z- *Ignorance of the situation was likely bliss, as aside from Volk and Arivil, none of the others seemed too concerned, due to the lack of knowledge on the subject.*

*If Volk was concerned about being recognized, he didn't show it. He just watches the orks, with an unsettlingly calm demeanor about it.*

C- The one-eyed orc led them inside the building, where there were a few more... unfriendly looking soldiers within.

"So tourists to Ghazdnark, eh? You ever been here before?" The one-eyed orc said as he walked. Arivil chose to be silent as they followed after him, feeling like they were being drawn into a lion's lair, despite the orc's seemingly friendly demeanor.

Z- "No, it's our first time." *Richthofen responds simply. He likely noticed the  gradually worsening situation, but acted like he didn't. The others, aside from Volk, were notably on edge. Volk doesn't seem to go either way, which was normal for him, but he appeared to be somewhat tense... probably hoping things would get hot.*

C- "Ah, well I hope you enjoy your stay here, then," the orc's one good eye seemed to study each of them with care, while the painted eye just stared blankly ahead, giving an uncanny effect.

He led them to a lounge sort of area with wide windows facing in each direction, being on the corner of the building. There was a staircase that led up into a tower above. "This isn't a very large base, but you can find comfort here until your pilot sorts things out." He stopped here and turned to face them. "Any questions, concerns?"

Z- "No, not for the moment, thank you for your... hospitality." *Richthofen responds calmly, the others remaining quiet, letting the vampire take most of the attention... possibly a good thing, all things considered.*

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