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C- Arivil began back downhill from the barn but... decided they could afford some leisure to themselves after everything. They didn't think they'd like to see the others butchering cows anyways. They headed off in the other direction, towards the woods. One of the fences bordering the woods seemed to be broken, though they didn't pay much mind to it. The deep greenery was peaceful to clear their mind anyways.

Volk wouldn't find much luck in locating more farm people, but if he did search the house, he'd find that the two orcs had been a couple. There were some paths leading to different houses of use to their work, such as their farm machinery equipment, a tool shed in the woods, and some other smaller barns for different animals.

Z- *Volk looks through the areas, though more in the fashion of a predator looking for another meal than giving any care about their personal things, aside from scavenging for equipment. He didn't need to look at it anyway, as an unfortunate side effect of his diet was picking up on such things by default. Not finding anything worthwhile, he heads outside again, heading to the fence, and jumping it, before heading into the woods.*

C- There was a large tool shed further off the path into the woods. Likely meant for larger farming supplies like machine plows and such. The door was half-cracked open, and there seemed to be noise coming from inside. Possibly another farmhand that Volk had missed? Although Arivil had headed off in this direction, there wasn't any sign of them anywhere.

Z- *The noise catches his attention, and he cocks his head slightly, to verify that he did indeed hear something, before going to investigate. Expecting another unarmed orc, the situation didn't seem to require his lazgun, so he kept it on his back for the moment as he pushes the door open farther and heads inside.*

C- The shed was pretty large with a high ceiling with hooks to carry various tools. Volk's assumptions of other orcs was quickly proved to be vastly wrong. Somehow fit into the cramped space of tools and such, a massive troll with stony grey skin laid within. There was a furry mane around its neck, and horns and tusks that likely wouldn't be fun combat with, for the standard unfortunate soul that might come across it. The creature must've stood at a good twenty feet in height if it was standing. The troll didn't seem to notice the newcomer. Instead, it appeared very interested in an old motorcycle it had in its hands, turning it over to examine it from every angle, then got to work with some tools to begin detaching the wheels.

Z- *Volk freezes when he sees the thing, the sound of his breathing the only sound he made, before he shakes out of it, drawing his weapon, fixing his bayonet, and taking aim, then firing.*

*His aim was still affected from his earlier injury and his shot goes high, burning off a bit of mane before going through the ceiling.*

C- The troll flinched, and it's ears flicked towards the source of the shot, then its eyes narrowed and it set the bike aside. Its jaw dropped into an angered roar and it came charging at Volk with bloodied claws bared.

Z- *Volk swears at himself, diving into a roll to the side to evade the charging creature, before firing again once he was on his feet. He was already breathing a bit heavily from this, feeling the effects of still being off after the fight at the base.*

C- The gunshots do little more than anger the creature, who barely seemed to notice where the bullets hit, and it's skin seemed tough enough that there was barely any visible wound where they hit, only tearing through the first couple layers of skin at best. The large creature was clumsy in the tight space of the shed, but it's long sweeping movements of its arms covered enough space to grab at Volk with more success. One hand swiped at him with long claws in attempts to knock him over, while the other stabilized itself. All meanwhile, it pretty much wrecked the place while trying to clumsily make a path for itself in its hurry.

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