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C- Arivil took to the air after Reiji, following his actions. The townmaster began to drive away from the town square. Cars parted the streets to make way for the orc to lead. The townmaster lead the way well out of town and onto the next one, keeping at a very high speed to cooperate with the Zero's natural speed. After driving awhile, a military base appeared at the foot of the mountains. The townmaster stopped at the gate to show his ID and briefly explain the situation, before heading inside the gate and parked next to a large field within the base.

Z- *The plane maintains easily enough, circling again as the townmaster stops, an implication that hovering was not something the plane could do with ease. Once they drove inside, Reiji slows, gliding to the ground after cutting his engine, lowering himself slightly so Khotol could dismount.*

C- Khotol slid off of Reiji's back just as Arivil glided to the ground and shifted back. The townmaster got out of his car and approached the plane. "I told them an overview of the situation, and their commanders will be out shortly to accommodate you. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Z- "No, that is all... thank you. For your hospitality, and your assistance." *He gives the town master a small nod of thanks, before returning to a sitting position as he waited.*

C- "I'm glad to help." The townmaster nodded, then got in his car again and headed off.

"So... are you going to let Thoss out?" Arivil said once he was gone.

Z- "I was waiting until I got us some space... I'm not entirely trustworthy of him in the middle of a town... but I suppose my hands are tied." *He grunts, before bringing the mechanic back up, into a sopping, limp pile on the ground in front of him. Thoss doesn't say anything, or move; for a good minute, before regaining his composition and standing, grumbling as he tries to get some of the slime off*

C- Khotol smirked slightly at the sight of Thoss, clearly enjoying his discomfort of it all. "You alright? You look a bit tense..." she taunted, clearly just poking fun at him instead of offering any real concern.

Z- *The man takes off his goggles, giving her a glare that could kill as he tries to get some of the slime off of them.* "You look like you can go fuck yourself." *He growls, his displeasure obvious.*

C- Khotol merely smirked in response. Arivil chuckled.
The moment was soon interrupted as two orcs approached from the complex, both sharing a reaction similar to the townspeople, appearing amazed and surprised at the sight of a draconic creature. The two orcs appeared similar in features, though one seemed considerably older than the other, and much less... hygienic. The other was very sharp and had watchful eyes, aside from appearing otherwise a little fatigued.

"Burnin brandy..." the younger one muttered in amazement. The older one stepped forward and put on a welcoming smile through crooked teeth. "Ah, ya must be the dragon the townmaster was talkin about. I'm Malasezzi Wings, and that's my son, Cook,"
"Just call me Wings, please," Cook said, wincing. He scratched his arms, seeming to find some discomfort at something, but didn't bring attention to it.
"I'm the commander in place at this base. I'm at your service," Malasezzi continued.

Z- *Reiji watches the younger orc, but isn't able to place why they seem... awkward.* ".... Right. Thank you for seeing us... it's a... long story. It's about the new weapons your enemies have been fielding... they are destroying the balance. We split off from the rest of our group, who are going to attempt to meet us from the south... but a large ocea--- sea serpent is easy to spot, and we are being tracked by Gunhil forces, who want to sell us to their allies. So, I am humbly asking for your help."

C- "Gunhil... I see..." Malasezzi stroked his chin, then slapped Wings on the back. "I'll leave that brainy stuff to you."
Wings let out an 'oof' and rubbed his back with a frown, then nodded. "What can we do to help?" He offered. His eyes continued to dodge around Reiji uncomfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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