Chapter Two

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"What room did the sleazy fucker rent out?"

"Eight. Your guy is probably beating his dick as we speak waiting for you."

I grimaced. "You're disgusting."

"Come on, remember that one guy who was waiting for you, and by the time you stepped in, he came all over his pants and the couch." Alexis was cackling at this point.

I had to remind myself that I should never retort to violence because A it's messy, and B she was my best friend. Alexis worked at the front desk of the club I danced at regularly. She had perfect ruler-straight blonde hair and big blue eyes that somehow matched her heart-shaped face amicably.

"I remember throwing up that day. He didn't even touch me, and I felt violated." I shuddered at the memory. I looked in the mirror and puffed up my hair before adding another layer of lipgloss. "This guy is so slimy. I hate him," I muttered as I got up.

"What time do you get off tonight?"

"Three, you?"

"I have this dance then one more set. I'll see you at home."

We did air-kisses so I wouldn't ruin my makeup before she left the locker room to head out, and I made my way to the other side of the club to get to the VIP section. It was a long walk, especially in heels that needed replacing.

Just add that to my list of shit I needed to buy. I kept to myself and clung to the silky black robe I had on until I finally made it. The two men that recognized me smiled at me as they saw me near them. 

"Hi, boys." I gave them a little wave as they pulled the rope out of my way and let me in.

The room wasn't blinking and flashing lights like they usually were, and the sleazy asshole that picked the room wasn't even in here. There was an actual couple just sitting in here, drinking and talking.

I couldn't see the man since his back was to me, but the woman on the other side of the couch looked appalled. She was dressed too elegantly, and even though this was a nice club, it wasn't that nice that she had to be wearing a Versace dress.

"You brought a dancer to this meeting?" I heard her say all riled up. "Are you serious, Matteo?"

"Dancer? What?" The deep, commanding voice belonging to the name Matteo spoke.

He spun around to face me, and I was taken back by the pure rugged handsomeness that was this man. I didn't even know God made men that looked like this anymore. He looked like he had just stepped out of a magazine cover.

I'd never seen him before, and I knew my customers. This man was new. The stiff arrogance and shrill intimidation seeped out of him with every step he took towards me, and the deadly combo had me eager to know whether he'd fuck me or kill me. I guess you could say I'm a little messed up in the head when it comes to my sexual appetite.

So fucking sue me.

It didn't help that he was wrapped in a three-piece black suit like Lucifer himself, tempting me to hell's deep, dark depths. A mass of ominous black ink started from the tips of his fingers and wrapped around him, peeking out at the top of his broad chest and long neck.

Every inch of him was shadowed with tattoos, marking him like the sinful man he was. The unknown man's hair was just as black as ink he had etched onto his skin and wild, disheveled as his eyes. Smoky gray eyes were so sharp, so intense, that he might as well have burned a hole right through me as I stared at him openly.

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