Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Matteo's hand tightened in mine as he led me down the stairs and towards the basement. Leonardo and Felix were right behind us, and they stopped when Matteo stopped.

The steel door was closed, and I could begin to feel sweat forming in the palms of my hands, but Matteo didn't pull away.

After cuddling in his study, Matteo took me to the garden. We walked around for hours just talking and laughing. I knew he was purposely not bringing up the basement and that he was hoping I would forget.

The thing is, I needed to see. I needed to see the darkest parts of Matteo. I knew deep down this man could do nothing that would ever change how I feel about him or how I see him, but I needed affirmation.

"Sofia," He protested from next to me.

"I'm not scared," I said sternly.

Turning to face him, I brought our linked hands up to my chest, and I saw his eyes shine at my gesture.

"I'll never be scared of you, baby. I know you'd never harm me, and I trust you whether it's here or inside. Whatever darkness or evil parts you hide from me, I want to see them. All of them."

Leonardo moved from behind us and knocked on the door twice. I heard a loud hatch sound and then it creaked open.

Leonardo walked in first, then Felix followed him, and lastly Matteo and I. The first thing I noticed was the rusty, copper smell of blood.

The basement wasn't a large room and from what I could see there were no windows. It was a closed, cold place.

There were six of his men surrounding the room, standing in each corner with a gun cocked at their hip and hands.

They all nodded their heads at Matteo as we walked further into the room. There they were. That blonde woman and Luca.

Both of them were hanging upside down in chains. Chains that I had wrapped around me when I was kidnapped. I swallowed and tried to fight that memory away.

Matteo barked out an order in Italian and two men came to where we were and undid the chains so that they were brought down to the ground.

Two different men brought out chairs and sat them both down in them before chaining them back up.

Their faces were unrecognizable. They were both gagged, bruised, swollen, with bloody cuts, and if I looked closer I think some of them were missing toes and fingers.

It was gruesome seeing it all up so close. My eyes didn't know where to look as they looked at the two people who had planned and kidnapped me prior to kidnapping and murdering his wife. I'm surprised by the control Matteo had by not killing Luca right away.

"I have them the same way they had you," Matteo spoke.

"I see that."

His hand dropped from mine, and I saw him dig out his pack of cigarettes. He lit it and shoved the lighter back into his pocket.

"Luca." Matteo smiled, "Mio caro zio." I saw Matteo stride over to where Luca was sitting. (My dear uncle)

He kept the cig between his lips as he leaned down to slap his uncle's face mockingly.

"I know I've been neglecting you. I've just been a little preoccupied." He chuckled, straightening his back as he exhaled his smoke.

"You don't expect me to have a woman like that and think I have time to schedule in killing you when I could be doing so many other things." He pointed over to me.

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