Chapter Twenty-Two

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No. No. Fuck no.

This can't be happening again. I can't lose her. I wouldn't lose her. I picked her up in my arms and ran up the stairs of the basement shouting commands left and right.

She couldn't die. She fucking couldn't.

I refuse it. I reject God taking her up with him. She wasn't his angel, she was mine. My angel, my woman, my seductress, my siren, mine, and only fucking mine. I don't even know how I managed to get into one of the cars.

Leonardo was quick on his feet and by the time I sat in the passenger seat, Leonardo was already sitting in the driver's seat. He turned on the car and began driving.

"Take her to the Rush hospital. The one with Dr. Artino."

Leonardo didn't respond to my command; he just pressed his foot harder on the gas with his hand on the horn as he weaved in and out of the busy traffic.

My eyes would stray away from the streets and onto the woman whose pulse was getting weaker and weaker.

I could barely hear her breathing or feel her heartbeat. Anxiety and anger like no other skyrocketed inside my veins.

Leonardo parked right at the door behind some ambulance, and I carried her out running towards the doors that opened up.

Two nurses and a doctor appeared in front of me and then a gurney was slid to where we were. I laid her on it and looked at them with what could only be described as maniacal and probably unhinged.

"Where in the fuck is Dr. Artino?" I shouted, my voice shaking the room and I could feel everyone's eyes go to me, but I didn't care.

All I cared about was saving Sofia. All I cared about was Sofia.

"Dr. Artino!" I roared at the top of my lungs.

"Mr. D'Angelo," A familiar doctor that knew me spoke, his hand resting on her gurney, "Dr. Artino is in surgery. I'll step in." He offered.

"You step in, and I'll step on your fucking neck." I threatened.

"Mr, D'Angelo, please." A female nurse spoke, her eyes darting down to Sofia and my heart fucking gutted once I set my eyes on her.

She was paler than ever. She was shivering, her teeth chattering, and she was shaking so much that it was fucking killing me to see her like this.

Her body was fighting itself as blood as red as her hair poured out of her trembling body. Weak. She was so fucking weak. Fuck.

I couldn't allow anything to happen to her. She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve to be caught in this piss war between my fucking uncle and me.

"No fucking questions. Treat her normally and you better pray she comes out of it alive." I hissed.

"Female. Two gunshot wounds. One in her right shoulder and one in her ribcage."

Everything else she said was like background noise as they wheeled her away into the emergency surgery room. I held my breath until her gurney was out of eyesight.

"I want him alive." I bit, "The woman who shot her too. Keep them both alive."

"Yes, capo."

"Burn the whole place to the fucking ground and buy off the fire department and the cops. I don't anyone nosing around my shit."

"Call Mr. Doyle and Mr. Kovalyov and tell them it's over and that I'm thankful for their support. I'll properly thank them when Sofia is out of this goddamn place."

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