Chapter Fifteen

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"A wedding?" She repeated, "No, no, not just any wedding. Your sister's wedding and you want me to be your plus one?"

We were in her bedroom lying down after having dinner together. It wasn't a date since I had the food brought here because Sofia wasn't in the mood to leave the house.

We ate outside in her living room, and watched a movie, before coming back in here to cuddle. I never thought I'd enjoy the concept of just holding her in my arms while she fell asleep.

Yet here I was, cuddling the living shit out of Sofia, and I swear I didn't want to be anywhere else. 

"Yes. It's tomorrow. I need you ready by two because we need to be there by two-thirty. I'll have the dress sent over to your place tomorrow morning."

"I don't remember saying yes, Matteo."

"I don't remember asking, Sofia." He replied in the same sarcastic tone.

"I don't know your family. I don't know their life or their traditions or whatever. I can't just show up at your sister's wedding. What will they say when they find out I'm a stripper?" She asked timidly.

"They won't say anything. No one will if they know what's fucking good for them. Plus, my mother doesn't give a shit what you do or don't do. She'll be happy that I'm actually seeing someone."

Her lips twitched up into a half-smile, "Can we have one conversation that doesn't involve you threatening to kill someone on my behalf?"


"Baby, I'm being serious." She pouted adorably up at me. "I don't even know your sister or your mother or whoever else is going to be there."

She placed her hand over my chest and played with the fabric of my shirt. "I'll stand out like a sore thumb."

"You know me." I said earning a dry look from her, "My mother's name is Emilie and my sister's name is Mia. She's engaged to my best friend; Sebastian who is also the head of the Mexican Cartel."

"They've been engaged for a year and are getting married tomorrow at the Catholic Church Sebastian's parents got married in."

"It'll be small, intimate, and of course, there will be security everywhere in case something happens."

"Something like what?" She poked, her eyes widening slightly.

"Something you don't need to worry yourself thinking about."

She pursed her lips. "You're not really selling me on coming."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, you know I do." She answered in a heartbeat.

"Then it's settled."

Rolling her eyes, she gave me a playful look. "Are all of our conversations going to be like this? Just so I know for future reference."

"Depends." I moved my body so that I was towering over her, "Sometimes I might have to fuck the answer out of you."

Her lips parted and her eyes dilated slightly, and I didn't miss how her nipples perked up from under the shirt she was wearing.

"In that case, I still don't want to go."

I traced her bottom lip with my finger before closing the distance and kissing her. The woman below me kissed me back ravenously, her hands already finding purchase around my neck as she pulled me closer.

Long legs wrapped around my waist, locking me in place. I kissed her long and hard, my tongue slipping into her mouth as it searched for nothing and everything at the same time.

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