😱bUt- WaIT wHaT?😱

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No one's POV:+)

Tony was still waiting and worrying (Like cmon multitasking is common these days). It was currently 3:04 am when he saw Peter coming back from window with some minor cuts on his face. He was 'relieved' to see that would be an understatement. At least now he knew Peter only gets 2.5 hours of sleep.

At that specific moment, He just wanted to barge in Peter's room and tell him he should sleep more and not overwork himself and take care of his cuts on his face and many more things.

(((((((((((Le a lil' time skip bought by Ash)))))))))

After some time  at 4:50 am FRI alerted Tony about Peter's Nightmares saying that,"Boss underoos seems to have a horrible Nightmare and is currently in distress."

Tony immediately runned to Peter's room when Pepper asked where he was he going he quickly said,"In Peter's room". Pepper knew something was up with his soon-to-be son And she wanted to check but she trusted Tony for that.

Tony when entered the room , he saw Peter crying silently still asleep. He gently shook Peter and said,"It's ok it's not real you are safe It's just a nightmare." Peter slowly opened his eyes to see Tony gently ruffling his hair.

"It was just a nightmare kid you wanna talk about it?"Tony asked softly.

"I-it was w-w-when m-my u-uncle got s-shot h-he was d-dying i-in my arms. I-It w-was m-my fault I could've s-saved h-him."Peter stuttered.

"Hey listen underoos It doesn't mean ur you are spiderman you can save everyone it was not your fault okay?"Tony said not realising what he just said.

"But- Wait what?"Peter asked shooketh.


A/N :–
Hey guys sorry for a filler and short chapter and also I didn't wanted to you know take that long in Peter realising Tony knows about him being Spiderman but I think It'll take a little more Time to know about Mr. Stranger and others.

And as you saw Pepper already know that Peter is going to be his son.( ╹▽╹ )


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