Go get him and make sure he is safe

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No one's POV:+)

A week later:- (Cuz of plot)

So the thing grew a little less complicated than before now Avengers know who their are texting and about Spiderman. Now the only thing was Peter didn't know that Mr Stranger and others are The Tony Stark and Avengers.

In the last week things were pretty good Peter was spending more time with Avengers talkin' joking and enjoying. The Avengers were developing a habit of Peter's company.

For Peter , Parker luck™ was on a lil' break as things were so good he was spending more time with Avengers and May and MJ and Ned.

But you know Life right? It doesn't seem fair.

Peter was still at school when someone told Peter to go to the hospital for his aunt. He didn't understand what happened he went to hospital and then he saw his aunt laying on the hospital bed with lots of blood on her face.

Peter wanted to cry loud really loud scream all his feelings out but he just didn't do it in front of May's condition.

He sat on the seat near the bed and said in low voice," A-Aunt May W-What h-happened Aunt May P-Please just s-stay here."

Then the doctor came in and told Peter," I am sorry Peter she got into a bad car accident and was severely injured fortunately we were able to save her but she will be in comma for a long time we don't know for sure." (A/N Okay okay I don't know anything about medical hospital or whateva)

Peter got out of the room after room and as usual he blamed himself for that. He thought if he was there for her she would be okay with him. He didn't know what to do He would've called Ned or MJ but he didn't wanted to bother them so he took out the phone and texted the group.


Guys hey.

Is anyone here I just need
someone to talk to?

Mr. Stranger
What happened?

Ms. Nat
Are you Ok?

Mrs. Stranger
Your tone isn't
good are you ok Pete?

Mr. Hawk
Spidey we are worried

My aunt she just-...

Mr. Thor

Mr. Capscile
Dear Peter,
Thor is right
Sincerely Steve.

She just got into a accident
and They told me that she got
into comma and will not wake
up in some time and I , I was
not there to save her


"I am going."Tony said rushing towards the elevator.

"But he told Mr. Stranger not you if you go he'll find out."Steve said

"So?"Tony said.

Then Tony added,"We were going to tell him anyway and I don't care about that and I am going."

Pepper walked up to him and hugged him quickly and said,"Go get him and make sure he is fine."

Tony nodded and rushed off.


Tony went in and didn't bother to ignore the glares that said omg ItsTheTonyStark.

When he got in the room He saw Peter sitting there silently crying there watching May. He walked towards Peter and hugged him and said in a soft voice," It's okay kid"

Peter relaxed in that hug before seeing who the person is 'cuz his senses didn't warn him.

Then He looked upon to see Tony there and really didn't want to know how he got there or how did he knew about that but still he asked,"How? y-"

Tony cutted him off and nervously said,"Hehe funny story I am Mr. Stranger and others are Avengers."

Tony really didn't want Peter to hate him for that He wouldn't able to live if anything happened to Peter. (Cries in Infinity war😭)



Uhh so After NWH I will not able to write May dying scene Never.
And I hate abusive May so donyworry she'll return after some time


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