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The above pic breaks my heart and add the No way home details I m about to kill the writers 🥲

No one's POV:+)

The two voices in Peter's head were having a argument right now which was -

"I think you should run No one will notice."

"Nope everything will be fine Flash will not behave badly after he sees Tony."

"Oh come on who are we kidding? Flash will cause more trouble and ask stupid questions when he sees Tony."

"No bu-"

His thoughts were cut off by the teacher saying,"Peter I asked a question What's the answer?"

"Uhhh can you repeat the question please?" Peter said.

Just then the bell rang and the teacher said,"Saved by the bell. Anyways the P.T.M. will be starting now you all can go out and wait for ur parents."

Flash's Parents were the first to come and Flash smirked like just the most rich man entered the school but that wasn't happening yet.

The worst thing is that they got out as soon as they got in the teacher's room. 'Cuz of Peter's sensitive hearing he heard them talking or just teacher praising Flash and his parents nodding along after that he heard Flash say to them ,"I'll come later with my friends you both can go without me."

Soon , Other students' parents came in and got out. Peter was still waiting well not really He thought it would be better if Tony jad a last minute meeting but then again it wasn't going to happen cuz...well he is Tony.

"Still waiting for your parents to come? Oh sorry I forgot you didn't have any." Flash said with a dry laugh.

Before Peter could say anything MJ came in front of Flash. "So, Eugene...." She stopped for a second then continued.

"I was just going to tell you to use your brain and stop saying useless things But then I remembered you don't have a brain to use. And talking about useless things, I really don't have anything to say considering you are on of the useless things." MJ said and smirked.

Some laughs and "ooohh" were heard in the corridor and Flash was embarassed.

Peter mouthed a 'Thank you' to MJ. MJ nodded and walked away with her parents.

Then Tony came in rushing in the corridor heading straight towards Peter ignoring others people's glares.

"Hey underoos. So You wanna go in the classroom first?"Tony asked.

"Uh- yeah th-"Peter said and was saying when Tony cutted him off by "Okay"

When they entered the room , The teacher (Mr. Harrington) almost freaked out by seeing The Tony Stark in front of him with Peter but as a teacher he acted (mostly) normal.

"Hello , sir have a seat." Mr. Harrington said.
"Thanks Mr. Harrington." Tony said and sat down with Peter.

"So Here is Peter's result of tests that were taken upto now." Mr. Harrington said while taking Peter's Result out of a whole batch of results there.

Tony got through that paper throughly and fastly. There were only straight A's. I knew it he has straight As Birdbrain you better pay up now. Tony thought and smirked.

------Here Ash brings a Flashback----------

"Look all I m saying is I know Peter will have straight A's but I know for sure he will have a lower grade in atleast one test." Clint said while shooting an arrow at the board pointed on wall.

"Yeah and how can you exactly say that?" Tony said currently in his dad mode. (Provided when is he not in his dad mode?)

"Well for first I think He didn't study for atleast one test now take an example of his last week Spanish test. He didn't have time to study at all so How can you say that he will have a 'A'?" Clint said shooting another arrow at the exact centre.

" I m sure." Tony said then added,"Do you wanna bet?"

"Yeah. How much?" Clint asked.

"Idk 10000$?" Tony asked shrugging.

"Do you forget I am not Tony Stark?" Clint exclaimed pretending to be fake hurt.

"Okay you tell me how much." Tony said.



----Back to dreadful yet amazing present ----

"So Peter's good in the class always reply with right answers though he sleeps more often in between."Mr. Harrington said.

"Oh yeah I'll take care and make sure he gets more sleep." Tony said.

"Yeah that would be appreciated."Mr. Harrington said smiling.

After their meeting Tony and Peter walked out of the Class.

"Thanks for coming." Peter said to his dad after coming out of the classroom.

Tony was about to say something but was cut off with a faint voice saying something like ,"Hey Parker."

While Tony Wanted to turn away and see who was calling Peter in a disrespectful tone. Peter just said ,"Let's go dad I am tired."

But You know Flash right? He still came running in front of Peter totally ignoring the existence of the person standing next to him.

Ugh come on Why is he a idiot Peter thought and facepalmed himself mentally.

"So Parker here's the thing There are rumours around here that Tony Stark is here as your parents but I know it's not true cuz why will he be for a poor, stupid, pathetic orphan-" Flash would've continued,

but Tony lost it.

"Okay listen here you little shit." Tony said removing his glasses. Flash was completely and utterly shocked.

"You are going to pay for every word you just spoke. And if you , from now on, bully Peter or say anything that can and will effect him physically or mentally I'll make sure you never graduate from any college and-" Tony said in a threatening voice but Peter cutted him off

"Uh Dad Don't you think it's too much now? I am tired we should go."Peter said.

"DAD?" Flash choked on his saliva.

"Nope No Peter he got some serious issues to fix-" Tony said

"🥺 Please?"

"Ughh Okay underoos let's go and you peice of shit here You'll suffer." Tony said before walking out of school.

"What are you going to do Dad? I can sense it you are going to do something bad and maybe illegal." Peter said

"Look Pete Nothing is illegal if police doesn't found about it." Tony said and smirked


"Don't worry Underoos let's go to tower and rest and you are going to get more sleep from now on especially cuz of your sleeping in Spanish class which you've been doing that for past 3 weeks." Tony said

"Wait you were listening to what Mr. Harrington was saying I thought you weren't paying attention cuz it was boring." Peter asked.

"Well I listened to every little thing so you are going to sleep more."

The next day Flash was expelled from midtown high.




So I know I did not upload for like Idk 7 days and sorry for that if you were waiting.

Btw this is a longest chapter I've written It's like 1000+ words.

And the story is almost near to 3K THANKS SO MUCH


✨Wrong Number spidey ✨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें