Chapter Nine

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Cynthia's Pov
For the first time in a long while the house was beyond more quiet than I would have ever liked. Andy and the boys had set off for their little tour that I was ecstatic for. It gave Andy some freedom to put his mind at ease, and for me to regain. A little independence that I needed.

It was a little funny and cute on the day he left. He was clinging to the door frame for dear life while the guys were yanking on him for him to hurry up before they missed the plane boarding.

After a shit ton of kisses and hugs he was off, and I was sent off for non stop work and training new employees.

It was good to put my mind at ease away from falling asleep in the middle of the night with Daredevil and Crow all cuddle up. It was either those two cuties or Andy talking on the phone half the night with our new time zones making me fall asleep. A couple times I would hang out with my friends enjoy drink nights and what not.

Tonight wasn't an exception for a little night out at the nearby bar. Though I don't think alcohol really has been my best friend that much.

"Yes I promise I'm drinking water in between, my stomach just doesn't like anything Andy relax." I breathed out a soft chuckle holding my phone closer to my ear leaning my back against the wall inside the bathroom.

I wasn't too sure if he was running off adrenaline from his show, or perhaps all his energy had wore out but I could hear the soft sleepiness in his voice.

"Alright baby, make sure to be careful on your way home, you know how your tummy gets when you irritate it. I had so much fun at this show. I'll try and call you early in the morning I love you." A small yawn had cut through leaving me smiling gently.

"I love you too Andy sleep well." I hung up first stuffing my phone to rest into my purse gazing at myself through the mirror for a moment turning on the sink splashing some water on my face rinsing it off with ease.

I can do this, I've been doing just fine here and without the need for bad coping. I glanced up for a moment when another girl was in here she flashed me a smile fixing up her hair as she spoke to me with a soft giggle.

"You have such a pretty pregnancy glow congratulations." She patted at my arms walking around me, my entire body suddenly froze right then and there left with my shocking thoughts, I snapped my head fast like to look at myself in the mirror scrambling to study myself.

I... I look the same don't I? She said a pregnancy glow. I had a small mini freak out inside my head, before I quickly grabbed my stuff leaving out of the bathroom. Finding the girls Martha and Lori telling them I had a small emergency.

I arrived back at the house in less than a hour, locking up the doors and all, I took off my makeup and slipped into a pair of pajamas sliding the bonnet in place over my curls I went into the bathroom sitting on the edge of the toilet for a moment.

That could possibly explain my stomach acting up. I was quite positive we didn't have any pregnancy test here yet, calculating into my head I was so busy with work that I barely even realize I had missed my monthly all the very clear signs.

Dropping down to look under the cabinets I dug around moving boxes here and there before spotting a pregnancy test picking it up I read the back of it with ease.

It was easy enough following the instructions after about fifteen minutes. I was a little nervous to read the test. But it was now or never scooping it up off the counter. I looked at the little two lines, the sweat increasing and my heart was pounding.

So.. There's a baby in me? Oh fuck how am I gonna tell Andy when he is half way across the freaking world. It was like a surge of panic and through me. I wonder if I was gonna go through the stages of shock.

I was sure for a while I was just clutching the test looking at it soon the happiness turned into little soft tears of happiness sitting on the floor with ease as I though it over.

I always wanted a baby, I suppose when I can confirm more about how far along I was, no more drinking, yet I still had no clue how I was gonna tell Andy maybe I would tell one of the guys first who could then help me figure it all out.

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