Chapter Ten

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Cynthia's Pov
For the first month and a half, it was all like a random blur. I was sure I had spent a good amount of time crying and over overwhelmed with excitement running through me. Every single idea of ways to tell Andy had ran through me like a train on replay.

For the first two weeks, I wanted to be extra double sure so I took a few extra test. All the same results positive, once another crying fit had exploded from me.

I had gotten the courage to confirm with a doctor that I was pregnant and had been for a good two months. Leaving me at the two month mark into the pregnancy, I even got a nice sonogram which gave me the best idea to tell Andy. I didn't wanna tell him over the phone, although he hadn't been gone for that long.

I found myself sitting on the floor petting at Crow's fur gently after getting off the phone with his mom Amy who agreed to watch Daredevil and Crow, leaving me with one more phone call to plan this out firmly.

Letting the cat free roam after a while. I grabbed my phone from off the couch pressing on Jake's contact it rang a few times before I could hear him speaking with ease.

"Hey Cynthia what's up is everything alright?" My heart melted genuinely from his worry and kindness.

"Oh Jake you always make me more emotional then I already am." I joked gently focusing my eyes on my legs for a moment spoke. "I'm just a little curious yeah? Where are you guys?" I asked in a softened tone hearing the sound of shuffling as he was walking in the background.

"Currently we are in Germany and will be for a week. Why what's up?" Germany hmm? Far but it's durable really.

"Is Andy around?" I nibbled deeply into my lips.

"Nah it's just me I needed to get some air. I'm gonna repeat what's going on girly? Sounds like you've been crying like a lot." I briefly chuckled wiping my fingers over my nose a couple times.

"You have no idea. Listen I have a surprise for well Andy and you guys and I was wondering if you could keep a secret for me? I'm planning on flying out there later tonight actually. Because I wanna tell Andy in person but you can't tell that I'm coming and the secret." The loudest sounding whine echoed off through the receiver.

"How is that even remotely fair if you coming here isn't the surprise but two. But cross my heart it's safe with me. I'll even come pick you up from the airport I can tell he's been missing you." I smiled glancing down at the sonogram resting between me, placing it inside the little bag speaking gently.

"I'm pregnant..." The sound of a crashing sound had me wincing in confusion lifting my hand to mess with my curls laughing nervously.

"I'm hoping that's not you falling Jake." I said through my laughter.

"That was me knocking into a trashcan. I fucking knew it! Don't ask me why but I could just tell before we left. How far along are you? Oh my god we get to be uncles are we finally that old?" I snorted for a moment looking around with amusement.

"Andy just turned 31, and I'm 27 I don't think you're that old." I said through soft giggles.

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you both congratulations how far along are you? Can I start buying clothes yet." I wanted to whine out through even more laughter.

"Well apparently I've been pregnant for two whole months without knowing. It's like the size of a bean. I've been crying a lot not because I'm not ready more that I've always wanted a child to take care of. And hormones." I joked over his laughter.

"That's understandable it can be overwhelming and you are alone in that large house. If you are leaving tonight you'll arrive around the afternoon by tomorrow depending on your layovers. Get some rest until then and I promise my lips are sealed I can't wait to see you. And I know this surprise is either gonna make Andy burst into tears or scream happily." Once the call had ended.

I placed my phone back to rest into the couch I released a little breath of air. First wondering if I could even keep it a secret just traveling to the airport alone some times had paparazzi flooding the gates since I was only know as Andy Biersacks wige leaving at night was the best option.

I took a moment to make sure everything was secure in the bag  before speaking.

"Well now we just have two more important people to tell. Your dad and his parents." I chuckled to myself rubbing my palms across my face for a moment.

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