Chapter Eleven

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Cynthia's Pov
For a few seconds my sleepy eyes fluttered a couple times in place, feeling the warmth of the blanket engraved me fully, lifting my head away from the firm seat. I stretched my legs out the best they could on the small space of the airplane. One of the longest flights I could say to date. Now for the longer parts.

The jet lag and meeting Jake to where he said he was gonna be. I held back the soft yawn that slipped past my lips with ease digging in the pocket of my sweats placing the sunglasses onto my face. Watching the way the plane drifted through out the air. It would be just some hours before I would see Andy again and get all the hugs I could from him.

"Are you sure you wanna stay in the hotel room by yourself? I could drive you around, try some new foods." I smiled Jake's way falling back onto the large bed for a moment, tugging at the sleeves of my long shirt for a moment watching him also plop down onto the bed.

"I'm sure Jake don't you gotta get ready for sound check soon? I did drag you out so suddenly. I still gotta prepare the surprise." The grin across his face was soft watching him lay back to scoop me into a soft hug with a happy chuckle swaying me a couple times.

"Alright alright, and yes you are correct I gotta head back. I lied and told Andy and the guys I was picking up food so I also gotta do that. Just order room service and all." I stroked my hands over the bed for a moment with a chuckle Andy's scent was all over the place.

I should totally question Jake how he managed to also get me the same room as Andy's sinking into the sheets that smelled of his cologne after hearing the door shut suddenly.

I almost fell asleep right then and there, with my head shifted on the pillow. Praying the morning sickness didn't hit, I pushed myself right off the bed digging in one of my suitcases to grab everything preparing it all.

That took a good few hours passing the already sleeping hours of the night. By the time I was finished it was already nine pm, after getting the okay from Jake and the venue location.

I took a quick uber ride to the venue, arriving after a bit showing my pass and all to staff.

I was half way backstage containing myself from gagging at the strong scent of fresh paint slipping into the dressing room, greeting the rest of staff I recognized with happy smiles and hugs.

Once I had sat down on one of the make up chairs setting the gift bag down on the vanity. I waited and I waited... And waited till I was hearing the door open. I couldn't contain my excitement while it took over me springing out the seat, quick set running towards Andy hugging his sweaty body in a fast hug wrapping my legs around him.

"Hi babe! I missed you so much." A small yelp left from his lips, followed by some laughter leaving him feeling his arms lock around under my bottom and thighs lifting me up higher spinning me around a couple times, his lips kissing all over the side of my head at lightening speed.

"Hey baby! What a lovely surprise, you almost gave me a heart attack but the best kind." He said through his laughter squishing me even tighter in a hug burying his head onto my neck for a moment.

"I missed you too." He whispered tenderly gently gliding his hands over my back carefully setting me back down onto my feet, grinning down at me once he pulled his head away, brushing my messy curls away as he traced his palms across my face.

Once I peered around him, I giggled waving to the guys who all filed in, plopping into their own places exhaustion taking over him.

"Anyways part of your surprise is Jake somehow managing to get me into your room. So there's that and well. The whole reason I flew out was I have a surprise for you, and I wanted to tell you in person." It seemed to spark his curiosity a lot seeing the smile grow.

I handed him over the gift bag to which he took gently leaning a little on the make up vanity bringing me to his side.

"Baby you didn't have to get me anything but now I'm super intrigued as to what you got me that could possibly bring you half way across the world." I held back my own grin, biting at my lip anxious like holding my hands watching him first pull out the sonogram for a moment looking at it confused as he squinted for a moment. It was CC's loud gasp that had me already giggling.

"No way!" I smiled even more, watching him finally pull out the positive pregnancy test that he was able to figure it out. He whipped his head back towards me excitement pooling into his blue eyes.

"Is this? Are you pregnant Cynthia?! Get out of here we are having baby!" He shouted, just at his excited out, I let my own laugh out nodding my head quickly.

"Surprise." I squeaked out when he tossed me into a deeper hug than before lifting me up again, I held onto the back of his neck shaking with soft snickers feeling him litter my face with sudden kisses all over.

"Oh my god I love you so so much and I already love our little one. You are so amazing how long have you know? Oh gosh are you okay? Feeling dizzy, sick did Jake know? We gotta tell my mom and dad." His attention span was going a mile per hour each question after the other.

"I'm two months along. Yes Jake knew that's why he helped me keep it a small secret. No I'm doing okay I promise. I'm worried you are gonna zoom off." I said through some amusement gently cupping at his face so he could stare at me for a moment.

"Breath Andy. " He nodded his head a couple times, before I watched little tears start to leave him suddenly, my gaze soften wiping away some of them hearing the soft crack in his voice.

"I'm just really happy baby... I'm so happy." I cooed bringing him close to me holding the back of his neck hoping to help calm him down a bit nuzzling him back.

"I'm really happy too honey. I'm very happy." I whispered kissing the side of his head feeling him urge me closer against him.

Married To Andy Biersack (Andy Biersack Bwwm) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin