AU Eren x Youtuber!Reader: Notice Me

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Requested by @Fab_freckles :)

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"Well, that's it for this week! I hope you guys enjoyed, comment down below what you think." You say, giggling.

You were that famous Youtuber, every girl wants to be like, and every guy seems to fall head over heels for. Even Eren Jaeger, the hot-headed boy who thought he would never believe in love. That was until he started to watch your videos.

"Another thing, I have an important announcement. Thank you so much for 3 million subscribers, it means so much to me!" You say, happiness evident in your features.

Eren couldn't help but smile, he had to admit how cute you were. He was really happy for you, he had been your fan ever since you were new to Youtube. He remembered how you only used to have a few hundred subscribers and now you gained so much more.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Question and answer time, I wonder which question should I choose." You say, face inching closer to your laptop as you look for questions from the fans.

"Here's one. 'What are your interests in a guy?'. This one's from ErenJaeger."

Eren's heart skipped a beat, he can't believe you noticed his question. He was excited to hear your answer, smiling in the process.

"I have to say, someone who's a great listener and is a gentleman." You smile.

All Eren did was nod. For sure, he would try to be a great listener and a gentleman from now on.

"Eren, could you buy me something from the grocery store?" Mikasa asks, suddenly appearing in front of his door.

Eren was startled, quickly closing his laptop before Mikasa notices. But it was too late, she raised an eyebrow at his actions.

"I know you're watching (y/n)." She says.

"Wh-what are you saying? Am not." He huffs.

"Whatever, could you please go now?" She says, handing him the money and walking off.

He sighs and changes his clothes before leaving the house. He got in the grocery store and got what Mikasa was requesting, some chips. He also bought himself Starbucks before walking back home, his head hung low until he bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" The girl says, reaching for a handkerchief from her bag, trying to dry Eren's clothing.

"No, it's okay. I should've looked at where I was going." He says.

"No, it's my fault. Let me buy you a new one." She says.

"It's fine, really." He says.

"I insist, I still have a lot of spare time anyways, she smiles.

Eren followed the girl. He couldn't help but feel like he knows her. He couldn't really see what she looked like, she had her hood on and she was wearing sunglasses, but her voice did seem familiar. He shrugged it off.

"Thank you." Eren says, grabbing the drink from her.

"No problem...?"

"Eren. Nice to meet you." Eren says.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Eren." She says, shaking his hand.

"What about your name?" Eren asks, taking a sip from his drink.

"Umm, I-I..."

"Is there something wrong?" He asks.

"N-no, not really. I- please promise me you won't say anything?" She asks, voice soft.

"I promise." He assures her.

The girl hesitantly takes off her hood and sunglasses. Eren couldn't believe his eyes, he waited for this moment to come and it's finally here.

"You're (y/n)." He says with wide eyes.

"Yeah." You smile, putting back sunglasses and hood back on.

"I can't believe you're actually here talking to me." Eren says.

"Well, here I am." You giggle, making his heart melt.

"Do you remember the latest question from your video? That was me asking." He says.

"Oh really? What a coincidence." You smile.

The two of you spent hours talking to each other, there was never a dull moment. Sometimes, you would laugh too loud, making Eren cover your mouth and vice versa.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know it was this late already. I have to go home now." You say, standing from your place.

"Wait, how about I walk you home?" Eren offers.

"Really? You don't have to, you know." You say.

"I insist." He says, smiling.

"Sure, why not?" You smile as well.

Eren walks you home as you continually talk to each other. It took fifteen minutes for you to reach your house. Eren was kinda disappointed he didn't get to spend more time with you.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon." You say.

"C-can I have your number?" He asks.

"Sure, give me your phone." You say, exchanging numbers.

"C-can I also have a picture with you?" He asks.

"Of course." You say.

Eren brings out his phone and prepares his frontcam. He smiles widely while you were kissing his cheek.

"Thank you so much! I had a great time with you." He says.

"Same here." You say, giving him a hug while he hugs back.

"Let me just tweet this." He says.

You automatically receive the notification, retweeting it and following him. You said your goodbyes and went inside, Eren had that irresistible smile on his face as he continued to walk home.

"Had fun?" Mikasa asks as soon as Eren appeared from the door.

"Definitely." He says.

He logs into Twitter and receive a huge amount of favorites and retweets. He scrolls down his notification tab to see a tweet from his frenemy, Jean.

Jean Kirschtein @JeanKirschtein


Eren Jaeger @ErenJaeger

@JeanKirschtein Too bad, Horseface. Maybe next time.

Jean Kirschtein @JeanKirschtein


Eren Jaeger @ErenJaeger

@JeanKirschtein She is beautiful, isn't she? :)

(Y/N) @(Y/N)

@ErenJaeger Why thank you :)

Jean Kirschtein @JeanKirschtein


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Woooh! Request 1/9 finished. I wrote this down as soon as I can. Hope you guys like it. :)

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