Various x Reader: Unreachable

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You are the most beautiful cadet in the Survey Corps. When everyone first laid their eyes on you, they wanted to get to know you better. On your first day, you made tons of friends and it stayed that way.

"(Y/n), can you do me a favor?" Krista asks.

"What is it?" You turned to look at the girl.

"I forgot to return this to Reiner, would you give it to him for me?" She asks, handing you a feather pen.

"Sure, but why don't you wanna give it back yourself?" You ask her.

"You're close with Reiner. It would be easy for you to do, right?" She asks.

"Right." You say, but think that she's just lazy to give it back.

You walk through the dorms of the boys and made your way to their door. You slowly knocked and heard footsteps coming towards the door. It swung open and there stood Bertholdt.

"A-ah, (y/n). Is there anything y-you need?" He asks.

"Is Reiner here?" You ask.

"Y-yes, come inside." He says.

You stepped in and looked around for Reiner. Once you spotted him, you walked over. He smiles at you and gave a pat by the space beside him on his bed. You hesitated at first but sat down anyways.

"Came to see me, (y/n)?" He smirks.

"Krista wanted me to give this to you." You say, handing the feather pen over.

"Ah, I see. Anything else?" He asks.

"Nope, I guess I'll be on my way then." You say, standing up.

"U-uh, no. (y/n), why don't you stay? We have some potato chips." Eren says.

"Potato chips? Hmm, well I can't resist that. Fine, only for a while." You say.

The boys cheered and you couldn't help but giggle. You sat back down as Eren handed you some potato chips. Suddenly, all the boys were gathered by Reiner's bed. You raised an eyebrow at their actions.

"Well, (y/n)... How about a game?" Reiner asks.

"What kind of game?" You ask.

"We have to give a trait or whatever about the person we like. Each of us gets a turn, okay?" He says.

"Fine with me." You shrug.

"Okay, I'll start. Well, I like her because she's good at sparring." Reiner smiles.

"Are we supposed to guess who?" You ask.

"No, I don't want anyone finding out." He says.

"But everyone in the room except I know." You say.

"Eh, who's next? Eren? Yeah, okay." He smirks, you roll your eyes.

"Let's see... she's humble." Eren says.

"Can I make a guess?" You ask.

"Oh, of course Armin. It's your turn." Eren says, you roll your eyes again.

"She's the smartest girl I know." He blushes... aww.

"She's cute no matter what angle you look at..." Bertholdt blushes as well.

"She knows how to cook!" Connie laughs.

"Her personality is mysterious, it's attractive I guess." Jean says.

"She's really friendly." Marco comments.

After all the boys have finished, they turned to look at you. You looked around and pointed to yourself while raising an eyebrow and they nod.

"Well, he's a boy! Too bad he's fictional though." You exclaim. 

Afterwards, you walked over to the door and waved at the still, unmoved boys. You stepped out and slammed the door in their faces. But then, opened it back to talk.

"Oh, and next time you invite me... have more potato chips."

(f/n) (l/n)... the girl almost every guy falls for but could never  be reached...

Attack on Titan ★ Oneshots [UNDER EDITING]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum