Connie ━ I Learned From You

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"(f/n) (l/n). My office now." Corporal Levi grits his teeth, hair soaking wet.

Wet hair? How did that happen? Well, you were pulling a prank against your best friend, Connie Springer. It just so happened that instead of Connie bursting through the doors of the mess halls, the lance corporal came in first. Great. And now, you sure would be given a hundred laps of running.

"What were you doing?" Corporal Levi asks, glaring daggers at you.

"I deeply apologize, sir. I was only trying to get back at Connie for a prank he pulled on me yesterday." You explain exasperatedly.

"So, Springer is involved in this?" He asks, raising a brow.


"75 laps with Springer now." He says, walking out. Uh oh.

O ══════════════════ O

"My soul is slowly descending from my body!" You cry as Connie runs ahead of you.

"It's your fault for pulling that prank. You're the one who dragged me into this!" Connie replies with a sigh.

"Why did it have to be the Corporal? Why couldn't it have been you?" You whine, making Connie roll his eyes playfully..

"Stop complaining so we can finish this." He says before getting serious.

"Fine." You groan.

After what seemed like a million laps, you fall to your knees, panting heavily. Taking note of the time, you realize it's time for lunch. You look around you, expecting someone to catch their breath next to you, but he is gone. Probably dashing to the mess halls already.

You get on your feet and proceed to the mess halls as well. Entering the double doors, you find Connie sitting at his usual table along with Sasha, Ymir, Christa, Reiner, and Bertholdt. You get yourself a tray and sit with Eren's group, finding some space next to the turquoise-eyed male.

"Hi Eren, mind if I sit with you?" You ask, smiling while holding your tray.

"Sure." Eren responds, scooting over to give you more space.

O ══════════════════ O

"(Y/n)! Come over here." You hear your name, turning around to find Connie motioning you over. You mouth an 'excuse me' as you get up and make your way to their table with your tray. You sit beside Sasha and across from you is Connie.

"Shake my hand." Connie says, grinning too widely for your liking. You hesitantly grab his hand and shake it, suddenly feeling a small shock travel from your hand to your entire body.

"Ah! What was that?" You ask, rubbing your palm to soothe it. Connie raises his hand to find a small metal tucked underneath his fingers, causing electrification upon physical contact with him.

"That wasn't so nice." Christa comments.

Sasha nods. You playfully fake some tears.

"Sorry." You hear Connie say, shrugging and putting it away. 

In return, you smile and nod. A small idea pops into your head.

"Hey, Connie. I don't think I could finish my bread anymore." You say.

Before Connie could reach for your bread, Sasha beats him to it. She grabs your bread with lightning speed, unable for anyone to keep track of her hands. Connie is about to complain but is cut off by Sasha shoving everything into her mouth.

"Wait... Why does it feel like it's... HOOOOOOOOT!" Sasha screams.

"Oops, I forgot to mention about the hot sauce." You say, holding the bottle up. Sasha continues to panic, looking for a glass of water.

"That's what you get for being so hungry all the time." You hear Ymir speak up.

"High five!" You turn to Connie and your palm collides with his.

"I'm impressed. Sometimes, I wonder if you're better at pranks than I am." Connie smirks lightly.

"Well, what can I say? I learned from you, Connie." You shrug, flashing him a smile.

"That's my girl." He chuckles, while Sasha continues to scream in the background.

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