Armin ft. Various ━ Innocence

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"Armin! I found an interesting book!" You shout as you barge in through the doors of the mess halls. Everyone stopped in their talking and the guys set their eyes on you.

"Really? What is it about?" He asks, smiling as you sit next to him.

"Here, take a look. It's brand new!" You say excitedly, shoving the book into his hands.

"Oh, alright. Mind if I borrow it from you for a while?" He asks.

"Of course!" You smile.

O ══════════════════ O  

Ah, Valentine's Day. The one day you get an excuse to stuff yourself with sweets. You are off to find your boyfriend, planning to spend the day together eating chocolate and cuddling for hours. However, you seem to run into another figure first.

"Happy Valentine's Day, (y/n)! P-please accept the c-chocolates." Bertholdt says, sweating.

You blink, not expecting to receive anything from him.

"Why, thank you. You're so sweet." You say, taking the chocolate from his hands.

Your fingers brushed against each other lightly. Bertholdt tenses up and holds his hand up to his eyes. You turned around to head to the training grounds when you haven't noticed Bertholdt had fainted from your touch.

"(Y/n), you're as pretty as always." You turn around and met Jean and Reiner smiling at you.

Before you could even thank them, the sight of red roses catches your attention.

"Happy Valentine's Day." They say in unison as they hand you two roses.

"Oh, they're lovely. Thank you." You accept them, placing them on top of the chocolates.

"(Y/n)! Happy Valentine's Day!" You hear Eren shout as he runs to your direction.

"Thank you, Er-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Eren had tackled you, hugging you to the ground as you fell. The two roses slip off your grasp and Eren notices.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes, getting off of you and picking up the roses.

"It's okay, Eren." You smile sheepishly as he hands them back to you.

Eren decides to strike a conversation with you. Soon, Jean and Reiner join in. Reiner tells you some jokes he came up with while Jean tries his pick-up lines on you. Wanting to make you laugh, Eren playfully imitates Levi's persona. The group bursts into laughter at his lame attempt. A few moments later, Marco and Bertholdt join in on the fun too. Soon, Connie jumps in and the group gets bigger.

It was all fun and games until they started purposely making moves on you.

"Stop flirting with (y/n). She belongs to Armin." You turned to see Mikasa glaring at the guys.

"Flirting? I think you got it all wrong, Mikasa. They're just telling some jokes and stories." You say.

"Oh (y/n), you're so innocent." Mikasa says.

You blink at that, slightly confused.

Out of nowhere, a hand pulls you from your seat and drags you away from the group. You catch a glimpse of blond hair, knowing exactly who is gripping your wrist. Armin!

"Armin, there you are! I was looking for you." You smile.

Instead of a reply, he turns around to hug you tightly. You hug him back and let out a faint chuckle.

"I don't want to lose you from those guys." He says.

Armin could feel his insecurities come out. He wonders why you've chosen him out of all the guys in the squad. However, he should've known better than to doubt you. As dense as you are, you're a pretty loyal girlfriend. Nothing he does will make you leave him anytime soon.

"What do you mean? Are you talking about Eren and the others?" You ask.

He simply nods.

"Don't be silly! They were only trying to make me laugh." You assure him, placing your head on his shoulder.

"(Y/n), you innocent angel. I love you."

"I love you too, Armin."

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