Levi ━ Weakness

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Everybody has a weak point and everybody has their limits. Everyone is just human, and we can never be perfect.

Never fearless.

Never unbroken.

Never strong.

We all have a weak point that makes us break down.

Even a cold person like Levi has a weakness. Despite his stoic features, he isn't always as strong and unbothered by everything that happens around him. He may be Humanity's strongest soldier, but he still has feelings.

"(Y/n), there is something I need to tell you."

"What is it, Levi?" You smile, making his heart melt but he doesn't show it.

"I love you."

In a heartbeat, he wishes you could return his feelings, but the words he's hoping for never come out of your mouth. Instead, he hears your laughter. It shattered his heart. He freezes, almost unable to process the ugly feeling. He doesn't even notice you walk away. He clutches his heart and falls to his knees.

You were his weakness. The way you rejected him had absolutely weakened him more.

O ══════════════════ O

The Expedition came and Levi hasn't been feeling himself for the past few days. His squad members often worry about him - how his cold feature is now replaced by a dull and lifeless one. The haunting memory would replay in his mind time and time again, resulting in him laughing hysterically out of nowhere. Although concerned, Hanji would tease him and call him a 'crazy midget'.

"Heichou! Fight!" Petra screams at the top of her lungs, watching in horror as Levi remains still under the titan's grasp.

Levi did not move an inch. His entire body is ready to accept defeat. His eyes cast downward before he closes them. He could hear the sound of your laughter rewinding in his head and the thought weakens him more.

The next thing he knows, he hits the ground. He hears and feels the titan's body collapse on the ground next to him as he is being pulled up by his collar. Before he could even process anything, he receives a slap to the face.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed so easily?!" You yell at him, eyes glossing with tears.

Levi keeps silent as he looks at you. He only then realizes being saved by you. Without thinking, his arms act on their own as they wrap around you.

"What promise are you talking about?" He softly whispers.

You look at him as if to confirm whether or not he was being serious about it.

"You confessed to me that day. I told you I want you alive after the expedition so we can talk about us. Do you really expect me to be fine after seeing you pull an act like that? Do you want to hear what I have to say or do you not care?!" You start raising your voice in frustration as you start to cry.

Levi honestly doesn't remember any of it.

But now it makes sense.

He didn't really pay much attention to anything else except for what he wanted to hear, never really hearing what you had to say.

"A... promise?" He whispers again, more to himself than to her as if confirming this fact.

"Did you choose to forget or did you change your mind about us?" You cry quietly.

Levi looks at you as you continue to battle your tears. You wipe them away and try to hold them back, attempting to calm yourself. Levi could only give you a guilty and apologetic look, shaking his head to assure you he didn't mean it that way.

"I'm sorry..." He says.

"You idiot!" You yell, crashing into his chest as you hug him.

"(y/n)... you're the only person I know who's capable of making me look weak." Levi suddenly admits as he hugs your figure back and dries the tears from his eyes.

"Shut up! All your feelings are valid!" You shout.

"Don't make me look gay, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Levi. Keep your promise."

Attack on Titan ★ Oneshots [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now