Bertholdt ━ Level Up

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Requested by trivium510!

I tried my best! I'm sorry if it's kinda lame.

You and Bertholdt have been together for a while now. However, your relationship doesn't seem to have reached a deeper level yet. Unfortunately, you're a shy pair. Everyone thinks it's a match made in heaven, but it has its struggles. Both of you still shy away from physical contact despite wanting to get more comfortable with it. Sometimes, even the slightest touch makes both of you jolt.

You would make eye contact, but quickly avert your gaze from him in public.

You would compliment him, but blush profusely and end up getting tongue-tied.

You would hold hands, but both your palms would start to sweat heavily.

You would hug, but only to comfort the other if necessary.

You don't even have cute nicknames for each other.

And plus, you never even had your first kiss.

"Maybe you should do something about that, Bertholdt." Reiner pats his back to encourage him.

"I don't know, Reiner. W-What if (y/n) doesn't-"

"Bertl, she's your girlfriend. As a man, you should start the action. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Reiner says.

Bertholdt thinks about it for a moment before nodding.

"O-okay. Thank you, Reiner." Bertholdt says.

Reiner smirks at that.

"No problem. Now, get in there and make a move!" Reiner says, pushing him inside the mess hall as he slams the double doors.

As soon as Bertholdt appeared, eyes land on him, and cadets question his loud entrance. He starts to sweat from the attention he is getting. Trying to ignore it, he looks around for you until he spots you at a table. He grabs a tray and sits next to you.

Mikasa notices the awkward tension between you two. Not having anything to say, she gets up and walks away to leave the two of you alone. Now that it was just you and him, he starts to sweat so much more if possible.

"(Y/n), I-I was wondering i-if we c-could share something..." Bertholdt starts, gulping slightly.

"Could share w-what?" You ask.

"Follow me. I'll show you." He quietly gets up with you following from behind.

The both of you walk out of the mess halls and through the hallway. After a minute or so, he leads you to a meadow. You are surprised to find a picnic cloth and basket set on the grass. Reiner gives a small wave, smiling at you two. He must've been the one who helped set this up.

Bertholdt gently grabs your hand and pulls you closer to the setup. He helps you get on the picnic cloth and gestures for you to sit with him. You do as told and he sits across from you. You watch as he brings out the food with a sheepish smile on his face.

"I'll be going now. Good luck." Reiner says, walking off.

You watch him leave before turning to your boyfriend.

"T-thanks for this, Bertholdt." You smile, eyeing the delicious food.

Bertholdt blushes but you don't see it, tilting his head to the side a bit. You grab the sandwich he prepared for you and eat with him. He observes your reaction, relieved to see you don't have any complaints. He smiles at the sight of your content gaze.

"You should also thank Reiner. He helped a lot." He chuckles faintly.

You spend time talking and getting to know each other more. To your surprise, you find yourselves more confident than before. The stuttering stops, the sweating dissipates, and the tension fades. In fact, the conversation flows well and it feels so natural. You would both and smile laugh at the little things, feeling the connection spark even brighter

"Hey, Bertholdt! Try this out." Reiner appears out of nowhere.

"Thanks, Reiner." Bertholdt says, taking a container from his hands.

Reiner walks away again. He leaves as quickly as he comes. You couldn't blame him for being like a wild pokemon. Bertholdt opens the container and smiles to himself. You couldn't help but wonder what's inside, trying to take a peek.

"Have some ice cream." He says, handing out a spoon over to you.

You take the spoon from his hand. He moves closer to you, placing the container in between your bodies for you to share. You start to dig in and he does the same. Your mouth waters as the flavor explodes in your mouth. It's no doubt that you were both able to finish the whole thing. You both love ice cream after all.

"Y-You have something on your f-face, (y/n)." Bertholdt says, the stuttering and sweating returning again.

"Where?" You ask.


Surprisingly, Bertholdt leans in and your lips met. Reiner suddenly appears again, cheering for the both of you. After pulling away, a blush was visible on both of your faces.

Relationship, level up.

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