Eren & Jean ━ I Choose

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"(Y/n)! Let's spar together!" Eren yells from across you.

"Sorry, Jaeger! We're having a 3dmg race first!" Jean yells back, standing next to you.

"As if she wants to race with you!" Eren retorts angrily.

"As if she wants to spar with you either!" Jean counters back, gritting his teeth.

"Let her decide then!" Eren says, shoving Jean.

"But she agreed to race with me already!" Jean says, pushing Eren back.

Unbeknownst to the boys, you had already walked away and decided to spend the day with someone else instead. They stopped fighting and let out a heavy sigh. Jean scowls and Eren tightens his fist.

"May the best man win, Jaeger."

"May the best man win."

O ══════════════════ O

"(y/n), may I sit with you?" Eren asks as he approaches your table.

"Sure." You nod as he places his tray down.

You begin a conversation with Eren and talk about today's training. A big smile is plastered on his face until someone decides to ruin it.

"May I sit here too?" Jean asks, appearing out of nowhere

"Sure." You nod and he takes the seat next to you.

You continue to chomp down your food as the hunger sets in. Too focused on eating, you become oblivious to the fact that the boys have been glaring at each other for almost the entire time, barely even touching their food. As you finish, you clean up and grab your tray.

"I'll go ahead. I'll see you two later." You smile and get up from your seat.

The two boys stare at you until your form disappears from the doors of the mess hall. You leave for the training grounds and decide to start a little early today. Eren and Jean find themselves glaring at each other again.

"You ruined my chances, Kirschtein."

"I wouldn't let you get her first, Jaeger."

"It's not over yet."

"Oh, it's only starting."

O ══════════════════ O

Today happens to be one of the worst days of your life. You are running a fever and had to skip your daily routine this morning. The superiors had allowed you to rest for the entire day to recover, much to your relief.

Suddenly, three loud knocks are heard on your door.

"Come in!" You faintly yell, voice a bit hoarse.

The door slowly opens to reveal Jean holding a mug of hot cocoa. He slowly enters your room and closes the door behind him. You sit up on your bed as he places the mug on the desk beside you.

"I brought you some hot cocoa. It'll help make you feel better." He says, sitting on the edge of your bed.

"Thanks." You smile.

You are about to reach for the mug when three loud knocks are heard on your door again.

"Come in." You blink, wondering who else came to visit you.

Eren comes in with another mug in his hand. This time, he had some hot tea with him. He closes the door behind him and his eyes widen as he sees Jean already in the room with you.

"Why is Kirschtein here?" He asks.

"Oh, he just brought me hot cocoa." You respond bluntly.

"I brought you hot tea as well, (y/n)." He says, placing the mug down beside the hot cocoa.

"She wants hot cocoa, Jaeger." Jean growls.

"No, she wants hot tea." Eren growls back.

"Jeez, why don't I just combine them to shut your mouths?" You sassed.

The boys become silent at your outburst, a little troubled to see you pissed.

"Please, if you want to fight, go do it somewhere else. I want some peace and quiet so I can sleep." You say, getting back under the covers.

At this point, you aren't in the mood to drink any of the drinks they brought you. You hear the two boys stand, muttering an apology before exiting your room to let you sleep in peace.

O ══════════════════ O

The past few weeks were kind of troublesome for you. Eren and Jean had been fighting more often and it would bother you how loud they are being.

All you hear is '(y/n) this'  and '(y/n) that'. They always bother you and don't realize that they're often crossing the line with your privacy. No matter how many times you hint at your irritation, they could never seem to get the clue.

"(Y/n) wants to talk to me!" Eren pulls and tugs on your left arm.

"Uh no, I don't." You mutter silently.

"No, she wants to talk to me!" Jean says, pulling and tugging on your other arm.

"Uh, I never said that either." You whisper.

The two boys continue to pull on your arms violently, causing them to become sore and numb. You finally have enough of their stupidity, face turning red from anger as you lash at them.

"WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT!" You shout, and the two boys stop pulling.

They slowly let go of you and look at you apologetically.

"I'm sick of this childish bickering! I have a brain to think and a mouth to talk. Let me speak up for myself!" You seethe with indignation.

"You're right. We're sorry." Jean mutters, head hanging low.

"Okay, who do you want to spend your day with?" Eren asks quietly and subtly pleads with his eyes.

"I want to spend my day with Corporal Levi." You say, earning a 'tch' from the Corporal as he passes by.

"What?!" Jean and Eren say in unison.

"Just kidding." You smile.

Or are you...?

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