Levi ━ Last Forever [Requested]

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Requested by SilentReaderA! :)

It's been a month since Levi had confessed to you. It was short, but a little romantic, as expected from him. Despite officially being in a relationship, you were both restricted when it comes to public display of affection. Although Levi would constantly tell you he doesn't care about what other people think, a compromise was made to keep it to yourselves.

A week later, you find yourself lying in bed. Since the 57th expedition, you have been feeling physically weaker and have gotten persistently nauseous. You've been experiencing difficulty in breathing and blood would come out at times when you cough. Levi had been caring for you for the past week. He worries for your health and requests that you remain in his space until you feel better.

"How are you feeling, (y/n)?" Levi asks, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." You lie, but he knows you well enough and doesn't take the bait.

"I'm calling Hanji." He says, getting up and walks out of his dorm to find the said person.

A few moments later, Levi comes back with Hanji behind him.

"Good morning, (y/n)!" She greets, a bit too enthusiastically for you to keep up.

"Good morning." You muster a small smile.

"Take this and relax. Once you drift to sleep, I'll do a few small tests on you, okay?" She says, handing you a pill.

You take the medicine from her and sit up slightly to swallow it. A few minutes later, you lay back down as your vision slowly turns black. Then, the pill finally takes effect.

O ══════════════════ O


Your voice comes out barely a whisper. The said man wakes up beside you and looks at you with his puffy, red eyes.


"L-Levi? What happened?" You sit up, slightly alarmed.

"Calm down-"

"But your eyes! Have you been crying?" You cut him off and give him a worried look.

"I-I'm sorry, Levi." Hanji tears up, looking at your peacefully sleeping form.
"What is it?" He asks.
"I'm sorry... She has lung cancer. She only has a week left."
*Flashback ends*

The conversation with Hanji replays in his mind. To think that the smoke from the flare guns and ashes from burnt bodies would cause this much damage was something he never thought about.

"Yes, I've been crying..." He simply says.

"Why?" You ask with concern, reaching a hand to cup his cheek.

"I c-can't lose y-you." He starts crying once again.

"What do you mean? I don't get-" You stop talking, the realization hitting you like a truck. 

Levi looks at you with concern in his eyes, a rare sight to see. You avert your gaze from his, mind going blank as you take it in. When it all sinks in, you aren't sure how to feel.

"I knew it..." You mutter.

Before you can do or say anything more, you feel Levi wrap his arms around you. It surprised you. He never was much of a hugger, but this is a great exception. Knowing these might be your last few moments with him, you hug him tight and start to feel a tad guilty. How could you have ignored all the symptoms and think of it as something typical?

"You can't leave me." He says.

"I wish I could stay." You reply, tears falling down your cheek and staining his jacket.

O ══════════════════ O

As predicted, your body debilitated as each day passed. You could feel the fuse of your life decrease. The past few days were tough for both of you, but Levi has never left your side.

"I don't think I can do it anymore..." You say as your breathing shortens little by little.

"(Y/n)... please stay. I love you. I really do." He begs.

He knows it's pointless to ask, but he could only hope.

"I love you too." You chuckle and try to lighten up the mood.

People say that just moments before you die, you start to see flashbacks. That's what you had. You see your life flash before your eyes, remembering all the good and the bad. A smile forms on your lips.

Levi had been nothing but caring and loving. In a short span of being together, he was able to prove his love for you, despite being regarded as stoic and nonchalant. You couldn't have asked for a better partner.

"M-My time is nearing..." Your voice cracks a little.

"You can't do this to me." He sobs.

"Just... remember that... our love..."

Silence. Just like that, your breathing halts. With eyes shut tight, you were gone. For a woman who had gone through a painful journey, you left the world with a smile on your face.

"Lasts forever." Levi finishes your sentence as he breaks down.

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