Auruo x Reader: Disappointments

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"What do you think you're doing?"


You fall off the bench, startled by the voice. You were completely unaware of his presence behind you. You heard him sigh, and he helps you stand from the ground. You dust yourself off, embarrassed.

"Well?" He asks.

"It's not like you would want to know anyways." You mutter.

"It is my duty to keep an eye on the new squad member." He says, seemingly bored.

"That doesn't mean you invade on her privacy." You say.

"Tch, whatever. Say what you want." He says, shrugging it off.

"Who are you again?" You question.

"I'm Auruo, better keep that in mind." He says, walking away.

Auruo, huh.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o O o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" You hear Hanji pounding your door from outside.

"What is it?" You ask, yawning as you open the door.

"Quick! All the guys are in cat outfits!" Hanji squeals.

"WHAT?" You ask, surprised.

"They're inside the mess halls, ruuun!" She says.

"Oh my goodness, I need this for blackmail!" You say, sprinting towards the mess halls.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o O o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wait a minute, I don't see any maid outfits here, not even a single person is in here.

"I came for my princess!" Someone exclaims, barging in through the doors.

"Um, what? No one else is in here." You say, turning to the owner of the voice.

"YOU?!" You both shout in unison.

"Captain Levi told me my princess is waiting for me here." He makes a sour face, crossing his arms.

"Yeah? Squad Leader Hanji told me the guys are wearing cat costumes. I'm much more disappointed." You roll your eyes.

"Wait a minute." He pauses.

"What?" You ask.

"The doors are locked."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o O o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Why did I have to tell him that again?" Levi grunts.

"We're playing matchmaker for the two!" Hanji says.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes.

"Come on, shorty. Let's go check on them."

The squad leader and the annoyed captain walked towards the hallways. Hanji pressed an ear against the door. She could hear words, but they were not clear. So, she unlocked the door and it revealed the two inside.

"Oh, hey Hanji! Want to join us?" You ask.

"What in the world is going on?" Levi asks.

You and Auruo exchange glances and laughed. Levi was referring to what you were both wearing. You were in a dress, and Auruo was in a cat outfit.

"Oh, so you did find the costumes I hid." Hanji says, clasping her hands together.

"This is ridiculous, I'm heading back to my office." Levi says, walking away.

"So, you finally confessed?" She asks.

"Confessed what?" You both ask in unison.

"Ah, I'll leave you two then." She says, leaving as well.

"Confess? What is there to confess?" You chuckle, trying to hide your nervousness.

"Don't deny it, there's no point. I really like you, (Y/N). You're one of the few people who got to see my soft side and I'm glad you became a part of the squad." He says.

"Well well well. I really like you too. I didn't expect to get close to you, or even to the point of liking you but I'm glad I did." You say, lightly blushing.

You two stared into each other's eyes. You both slowly walked towards one another and gave each other a hug, taking things slow. You could hear Hanji screaming outside.

"I swear, she's an idiot but she's awesome." You chuckle, still in his arms.

"Hey (Y/N), Captain Levi was right when he said I would find my princess here." He smirks.

"And oh boy, so is Hanji." You burst out laughing.

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