03: The feels

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Shinju sit in the patio of the traditional house of the Senju clan and beside her is her personal maid.

The massive house is fill with maid than Senju clan members.

Senjus are in brink of extinction due to them participating in wars and battles.

Shinju look up as she see a shadow on the ground, it's a eagle flying over her. She extend her arm to let the eagle land on her arm.

The eagle land on her arm and Shinju get the letter on it's leg. The eagle fly away after Shinju getting the letter.

Dear Shinju, 

Greetings, it's me Tsunade. I am wondering how are you in the village and is the village itself is fine? I am so sorry for not being there and abandoning my duties. It's just I can't take myself to go to the village without remembering them. 

I read your previous letter about you learning medical ninjutsu by reading scrolls of grandfather's. I am impressed that you learn in easy way. I hope you can unlock your 100 healing seal like me. 

While I am not there in the village, take care of it for me.


Shinju close the scroll and sigh as she goes back to the house to write back to her cousin.

"Get me a brush and ink" Shinju say

"Right away, princess" Her personal maid reply

Shinju sit down as she place her scroll on the chabudai table of theirs. The personal maid give her the brush and ink and Shinju thank her.

Dear Tsunade,

I am grateful for your compliment and for your greetings. I am doing fine and the village is doing great too. As I said it is fine, we are not pressuring you to resume your duties. Just do whatever you feel doing, you are yourself. Granduncle would say the same.

Yes, I am learning medical ninjutsu by reading granduncle's scroll. It is extremely helpful despite not having a sensei teaching me. I already unlocked the 100 healing seal two days ago when I was training in the forest. Your scrolls are definitely helpful, I acquired your monstrous strength. It made Hiruzen-jiji shock as hell.

I will take care of the village after all I have the will of fire~


Shinju let the ink dry for second then close the scroll then sealing it with a seal.


An eagle land on the table waiting for the command of Shinju.

"Bring this to Tsunade nee-san" Shinju say

The eagle fly away after getting the command of Shinju, the personal maid cannot hide her amusement when she always see the eagle following the command of Shinju.

The last two remaining Senjus have their own responsibilities and duties in the village.

Tsunade, the legendary sannin. She did not abandoned the village but she did go to an vacation due to what happened. Losing her brother and lover at the same era took a toll on her after all both have worn the necklace of hers that she got from her grandfather and promised her on becoming the hokage.

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