10: Chunins

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A year later

Minato age twelve and Shinju who just turn twelve yesterday stand in front of their last proctor for the chunin exams.

"For the last round, two teams will battle each other. Last team standing will achieve the chunin title!" The proctor say

Minato high-five his teammates who are Shinju and Izana, their team have the highest mission success rate. After all, they are training under a legendary sannin.

Team seven versus Team fifteen.

Fight after fight happens and teams were eliminated.

"I bet we can actually beat the shit out of team seven" One of the members of team fifteen exclaim

"Gentleman, just because you are senior that does not mean we will go easy on you~" Shinju tease

"T-they have the highest mission success rate and their sensei is Jiraiya-sama one of the legendary sannin." One of the team fifteen member inform

The team seven members smirk at their reaction when they find out.

"Team seven versus Team fifteen!" The proctor call out

Team seven appears to the battleground then Team fifteen followed by. 

The hokage and jonins bet that this fight will be fast as Minato like working fast, Shinju like working passionately, and Izana like working quietly.

The team seven consist three strong and prodigy ninjas.

Izana over the years have gotten confident after getting motivation from his team members.

"Start!" The proctor say

Shinju clasp her hand together then a binding wood bid the team fifteen and Izana quietly knock them out by hitting their nape while Minato quickly get their white headbands.

"T-team seven wins!" The proctor say

The jonins and Hokage of course see this coming after seeing or witnessing the work of team seven, they have the most beautiful teamwork.

More teams fight for the second round position but only one can proceed.

Minato observe the fighting skills and techniques of the other teams, so he can come up a strategy for the next round. 

Out of 20, only ten teams are left.

Team Seven versus Team One.

Team one who have the second most mission success rate smirk at Team seven like they are provoking them which is not working.

Nobody knows except the Hokage and Minato about Shinju's kekkei touta. It is something that Shinju is proud of.

"Team seven versus Team one!" The proctor say

"This fight will be interesting" One of the jonin say

"Yes" The hokage agree

Shinju stand in the middle facing the only girl of the team one too.

The tension can be feel in the air.

Shinju take out one of her kunai while the other girl take out of of her shuriken. Seal on her kunai is a paper bomb.

"Start!" The proctor say

Shinju throw the kunai and let it explode.

The kunai explode, the smoke stand in the view of team one. The girl throw her shuriken on point but the team seven members dodge it.

"Above!" Izana say

Minato's kunai met the kunai of one of the member of team one. The two boys land on the nearest tree and engage in a fight again.

Izana engages one of the members of the team one in a fight, he have the upper-hand.

"Well, it's girl versus girl" Shinju say

"I'm so sick of you playing princess!" The other girl reply

"Stop being bitter" Shinju teases

The girl run forward slashing her kunai which Shinju dodges. Shinju grab the arm that the girl keep swinging towards her, she flip the girl but the girl counter it with a kick which Shinju barely dodges.

Shinju punch the girl in the stomach, making the girl fly across the ground. The girl stand again but she cough blood.

Shinju look at her teammates who are tiring their opponents.

Shinju release her kekkei genkai, the adamantine chains and caught the girl. The girl try to free herself from the chains but the chains won't bother and will not be bother.

The team one two males drop to the ground as they are tired.

"Team seven proceed!" The proctor inform

Out of ten, only five teams are left.

Team seven versus no one.

Shinju give a thumbs-up to her teammates, whoever wins this round will face team seven. They are already in the finals due to the odd numbers of teams.

The three members of team seven sit down first with their sensei being proud and boasting his team to the others.

"I bet Orochimaru and Tsunade will be jealous!" Jiraiya happily exclaim

Shinju just giggle at their sensei while Minato and Izana sweat-drop at their sensei.

The third round goes quickly and now it's the finals. 

Something unexpected happened.

"We forfeit! We stand no chance against team seven!" The team twenty say

"Therefore, the winner and the chunins are team seven!" The proctor announces

It is true, the team twenty stand no chance against team seven. The team seven consist of civilian-born ninjas with no kekkei genkai nor something special to offer. They don't want to embarrass and clown themselves in front of the people by taking on Team seven.

The team seven celebrates along with their sensei. 

Team seven is very lucky as their team always consist a noble clan member, a civilian born, a prodigy. And always one of them ends up being the hokage in the near future.

"Congratulations! Senju Shinju, Namikaze Minato, and Akemi Izana for passing the chunin exams." The hokage say as he give their chunin vest

They are officially a chunin at the age of twelve.

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