04: graduation

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Shinju smile proudly as she fall in line of graduating from the academy, on her left is Minato who top the class.

"Congratulations to our new shinobi and kunoichi!" The teacher say

The audience clap their hands for the new generation of ninjas, Shinju look at the crowd majority of them are parents.

Yuto, Minato, Shinju, and Kushina who have no parents keep their smiles and pretend not to be hurting.

Shinju would like to see her parents, grandparents, granduncle and grandaunt, and cousins reaction to her achievement. But they are simply not there for her.

Shota Senju died sacrificing himself for his team like his father have done in the first great shinobi war.

Michiko Uzumaki died giving birth to Shinju like her mother in-law who suffered a cesarean section birth then died. Both Yu Senju and the baby died, the baby is very premature to be born.

Shinju cannot forget the feeling of missing the family warmth. Tsunade look over Shinju for seven years and left her. Tsunade left her when she was seven years old.

The maids were the one who gave her the bracelets and necklace that her family like to give her.

Shinju never saw her father, her mother, her grandmother, her grandfather, her granduncle, her cousin Nawaki, and her supposed to be uncle (the premature baby). Shinju grew up only knowing no one was there from the start.

Shinju's tears fall making her snap back to reality, the ceremony finishes. Luckily no one seen her tears falling.

Shinju dash out of the venue.

Minato follows the red-hair Senju out of the venue.

Shinju sit down on the grassy land and hide her face in her hand as her tears falls down. Shinju just like to feel the warmth of having a family.

Minato stand behind Shinju who is unaware of Minato presence.

Minato tap Shinju's shoulder to let her know that he is there. Shinju look up to see Minato standing there.

Minato notices the red puffy eyes of Shinju making him worry.

"What's wrong?" Minato ask as he sit beside Shinju

"Do you ever feel lonely?" Shinju ask

"No? I have my cousin with me and I know my parents and my family is there for me despite them not being here physically." Minato reply

Shinju look at the river.

"You still have Tsunade, she is there for you. You two exchanges letter time to time. Your family and parents are there spiritually and mentally for you. You keep them here" Minato say as he point at Shinju's chest where the heart is located at.

Shinju eyes widen at the words of Minato, it never fails to amaze Shinju how good Minato with words are.

"You are right" Shinju realizes

"You have the rights to cry and feel whatever feeling" Minato adds

Unknowing to the two, Kushina along with Mikoto and Yuto spies on them. The three high-five each other knowing that they are winning the bet along with Fugaku who have a mission.

Fugaku is older than the group, so it's fine for them when Fugaku is not there. He have a responsibilities to the village.

Mikoto is on a break, she is a bit older than the group.

Shinju hug Minato and Minato hug back knowing that it will comfort his declared love of his life.

"Minato thank you for everything, I don't know what I did to deserve you." Shinju say

"I am always here for you, always" Minato reply

Shinju and Minato let go of the hug.

The two quietly observe the water flowing through the river. 

Minato look at Shinju with eyes shining admiration and adoration. In Minato's point of view, Shinju is the most beautiful girl to ever exist in the world.

Shinju have her hair down and her crown is replace with gold chains design with diamond headpiece.

Shinju's hair flow with the wind making her hair get out of the way from her face. Her sideview is perfect as always, her sharp jaw and long & curly eyelashes it compliments her face. She got her eyelashes and jaw from her father.

Minato cannot help but think Shinju is very perfect.

"Minato are you ready to find out which team you will be in?" Shinju ask

"Yes, of course. How about you?" Minato ask looking away from Shinju

"Yeah.." Shinju reply

Minato notice the hint of hesitation on Shinju's reply.

"Why are you hesitant?" Minato ask

"Well, we can't tell what will happen in the future. I'm just scared" Shinju reply

At this point, the three who spies on the two are gone to give the two a space. Despite being ten years old, they are very educated in the field of love.

"Don't be, just trust yourself and us" Minato reassure

Shinju smile at Minato making the blond boy blush. Shinju notices the burning face of Minato and become worry for him.

"Are you fine?" Shinju ask

Shinju near the face of Minato and place her palm on his forehead to feel his temperature.

"Your temperature is fine though" Shinju mumble

"It's the sun's fault!" Minato blurts out

Shinju buy the fake excuse, she very dense when it comes to love signs.

The time flies by and the two bid each other a goodbye and a good night.

Shinju arrive at her room and squeals into her pillow as she have a dream talk with her long time crush. She would not admit it but his words always comforts her in every aspect, she is scared of confessing due to her fear of being rejected.

That night, Shinju have a good sleep.

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