24: Funeral

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"What do you mean?!" Haruto exclaim

"You will be training under Jiraiya and Haruko will train under Tsunade." Hiruzen reply

"No! We will not abandon our siblings!" Haruko argue

"Don't worry, they are in a good hands." Hiruzen reassure

Haruto and Haruko sigh in defeat and went along with Hiruzen's plan.

The twins wear all black outfit for the funeral of their parents, their own parents.

Condolences are send towards the twins who have red-hairs as the twins stand in front of the crowd.

Tsunade got a word of what happened and guilt really consumes her bit by bit.

Laying in front of the twins and the crowd are Naruto and Naruko symbolizing that they are the last piece of memories of the fourth and princess Shinju. 

Everyone bows their head as sign of respect while Haruto clench his fist and Haruko cry hard. The promises that their parents made with them shattered into pieces. 

The red-haired twins never feel so helpless until the death of their parents came.

Shikaku look at the twins, he is a close aid of Minato when he sat on the hokage's chair.

Mikoto and Fugaku can't believe what happened to their friends, Mikoto wrap her two arms on the twins while Fugaku hold Sasuke and Itachi stand beside his father.

"We are here for you all" Mikoto comforts

Haruto looks up in the sky with determination display on his face, determine to give her parent's death justice.

Haruko look at her siblings who is laying in front of the crowd like they are some sort of offerings to their dead parents.

The crowd look at the twins after the third hokage call them to give their farewells to their parents. The crowd look at the twins with pity and sadness in their eyes, they should not experience this at young age.

Villagers who are there look at the newborn twins like they are monsters which make Haruto's and Haruko's blood boil.

"M-my nii-san will be the one w-who will give the speech" Haruko say

Haruto stand in the podium and his tears rolls down on his cheeks, he wanted to give a speech but not this kind of speech.

"Eight years of our lives, mom and dad never complained about us. They are the most loving and caring parents to ever have. They scold us but they never raise their voices or hands against us. We ask ourselves what did we ever do to deserve a mother and father like them. 

You all want to know what they regretted on their dying breaths? They regretted that they will never see me, my sister, my two younger siblings to grow up into fine and strong people they ever wanted. They did this for the sake of the village! For the sake of strangers who are not related to them! 

Ask yourselves do ever deserve to get a loyal and brave fourth hokage? To get a helpful and obedient princess Shinju? Ask yourselves!

This is what children fear the most, their parents dying before they even spend their times with them.

Their undying love for me, for my sister, for my twin younger siblings made them sacrifice themselves.

Love! They love you all, t-they never minded your hurtful words against them when they made mistakes. 

Mama and Papa, please watch over us four. Watch us become the finest ninjas ever in the heaven."

Haruto's speech is very heartfelt that the villagers can't look up to the siblings even the jonins who are suppose to help their hokage and their princess.

"You all don't deserve mama and papa! That's the answer!" Haruko shout on the mic

Haruko who is very sensitive and her emotion are in mess drop on her knees, losing her parents is her biggest fear.

Haruto comfort his younger sister by hugging her.

Haruko drag her knees to where her two younger sibling lay, she grab the basket and hug it. Haruto join the hug session, he is the eldest so he needs to be strong for his younger siblings.

"Why are they hugging the two monsters?" One of the villagers ask

Haruto balled his fist as he hear the comment of the villager.

Hiruzen stand in the podium to get the attention of the crowd so that the siblings could have their moments.

The pictures in front of them are their parents smiling thinking the picture will be use for something else but the picture is for their funeral photo.

The crowd disperse after the funeral ends but Haruto and Haruko remains on their spots silently crying for their parents and for their two younger siblings.

Tsunade and Jiraiya appear, they walk towards their sensei the two siblings.

Tsunade look at Shinju and Minato pictures, she let out her tears as she can't control it anymore. Tsunade kneel beside her nephew and niece in front of her are her new nephew and niece.

"Naruto, Naruko. I am very sorry" Tsunade say

Jiraiya look at the newborns with sympathy on his eyes, he and Tsunade wanted to take in the two but their sensei did not gave them a permission.

Tsunade look at the twins who is clearly in distress.

"Sensei, we agree on that once Naruto and Naruko reach the age of 12 we will train them. We will teach them things that their parents want them to know." Tsunade inform

"Plus the last name for the twins will be Uzumakis, both Minato and Shinju told me this in case of anything happens to them." Jiraiya adds

Jiraiya pass a letter to Haruto and Haruko, their wrote this when they are not yet even born in case of anything.

"They wrote this in case, if the birth process of you two would not be success." Jiraiya inform the twins

"Sadly, they don't have time to create for Naruto and Naruko. But I bet they have said their wishes for the two before dying." Tsunade adds

Haruto and Haruko nods, they open the letter and read the letter. When finishing the letter, the twins let out a scream of sadness and agony as tears roll down. They need to let out their emotions that are bottled up inside of them.

"It is time to go now" Tsunade inform as she wipes her tears and stand up

Haruto and Haruko look at each other and nods.

"Naruto and Naruko, we will come back for you two. We promise" Haruto say

"Nii-san and Nee-san are always here for you two" Haruko adds

The twins kiss the forehead of their siblings then stand up.

"Nii-san, this is farewell for now" Haruko bids

"Yes, take care" Haruto bids back

The twins along with their masters goes separate ways.

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