Chapter 2: The Rain

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In fact, Jin wasn't wrong at all. This young farmer from the magazine really triggered something in Jungkook. The boredom he has felt for days, if not weeks, has suddenly disappeared. Now he has a new goal that is very different from his previous ones. He wants to find this young man at all costs. With these thoughts in mind, he strolls through the streets of Seoul until he finally reaches his apartment.

[Jungkook's apartment]

When he enters his apartment, he first takes off his shiny patent leather shoes and his warm suit jacket. He lives in a very affluent neighbourhood, and it's only a 10-minute walk to his workplace. So, it's not even worth driving his black Mercedes Benz. But that's all about to change tomorrow, because Jungkook is already making a plan.

In his living room, which is equipped with a huge Bluetooth speaker, a PlayStation 4 and a 75-inch TV, he slumps down on the grey sofa. From his leather bag, he digs out the magazine he took with him. Immediately, he turns to page 123, a number he has memorized. He's not even aware that he begins to smile at the sight of the young farmer. His gaze slides over the man's face once again.

The stranger's eyes sparkle and his brown hair shines under his straw hat. His skin looks pure and well groomed. This farmer didn't even have to try hard to look good...he's not even posing properly. A photo shoot with him in the spotlight would be great, Jungkook has no doubt about that. He sees a lot of potential and doesn't want to miss the chance to have discovered a new Gucci model.

Impatiently, his eyes search for contact information that might be helpful until Jungkook finds a small printed address at the bottom of the page.


He starts typing the address into his iPhone. Google Maps calculates the distance he would travel by car. The result: two and a half hours. At first, he doesn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

What did he actually expect? It was clear that the farm wouldn't be in the middle of Seoul. He saves the address and ends the evening with a round of Fortnite. But his thoughts just won't let go of the stranger.

The next morning, Jungkook is racking his brains over his outfit. He can't visit the farm in a suit...but how can he wear something "normal" when his closet has nothing but suits to offer? At that moment he realizes how little he participates in his private life...doing something with friends...going out... he doesn't even know what that feels like anymore.

Since he became the new CEO, there has been nothing else for him but his work. Actually, that never really bothered him...well...until recently. The feeling that something is missing has been with him for weeks. Should that change on this day?

"Stop it," Jungkook mumbles to himself.

His thoughts once again take strange paths. What does he hope for? What does he expect from this young man? That he will awaken a new zest for life? Nonsense...or maybe not? At the moment, the clothing problem has priority anyway. In the end, Jungkook simply decides on a white shirt. He buttons one button after the other and looks out of the window.

The sky is slightly cloudy, but it doesn't look like rain. That should go with normal black pants and leather shoes. Jungkook checks his whole body one last time in the mirror hanging in the hallway. Not too much and not too little. Satisfied, he closes the apartment door behind him and goes to his garage.

[Jungkook's car]

2 pleasant hours of driving have already passed. The window on the driver's side is rolled down so that Jungkook can enjoy the fresh country air to the fullest. From time to time, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes briefly. He hasn't left Seoul in ages and can't even remember the last time he was in the countryside. He didn't realize how precious this air and this peace can be.

Meet me at Gucci, farmer! ✓Where stories live. Discover now