Chapter 10: The Tension

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The two young men lie naked on the pile of straw and cuddle lovingly together. They're exhausted, breathing heavily until their hearts slowly calm down. It's gradually getting colder, but they try to warm each other with their bodies. Jungkook strokes Taehyung's cheek and can't help but grin. Their eyes sparkle and speak for themselves.

"You're beautiful," Jungkook whispers, making Taehyung shy.

"I'm not nearly as beautiful as you."

"You have no idea."

"But I have you. That's enough for me."

With a smile full of love, Jungkook approaches Taehyung's lips to kiss them gently. This man drives him crazy and he doesn't want to wait any longer. He gathers all his courage to ask the next question.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

The corners of Taehyung's mouth rise while his cheeks go up, causing numerous laugh lines. Jungkooks heart is pounding wildly and he can't wait to hear the answer.

"Of course, I wanna be your boyfriend. I want it so much."

This time it's Taehyung whose hands slide over Jungkook's cheeks to pull him closer and kiss him tenderly. Both can't stop laughing, so they have to interrupt their kisses sometimes.

"Finally, you're mine."

"I have been all along."

After enjoying togetherness for a few more minutes, they slowly get dressed again.

Jungkook watches Taehyung slip into his boxer shorts, looking intently at his back. There are dozens of marks, sometimes even scratches, that can only come from the straw. Concerned, he takes a step toward Taehyung to caress his back.

"I'm sorry," he says with a guilty conscience.

"Huh? What are you sorry for?"

Taehyung pulls the T-shirt over his upper body and turns around in confusion.

"Your back... I had no idea it was that uncomfortable for you."

Jungkook's caring makes his boyfriend giggle.

"Jungkook, I would do it again anytime. I would take a thousand scratches for that. It was amazing, don't worry about me. I enjoyed it to the fullest."

"I'm not sure if I should believe you."

"Trust me, baby."

Tenderly, Taehyung holds Jungkook's hands.

"All right."

"Thank you."

They put on the rest of their clothes and then leave the barn. Taehyung wants to show Jungkook more of his farm on the last day, starting with the many fruit trees. This time of year, the cherries and peaches are ripe, and Jungkook gets to eat them. The fruit tastes surprisingly good, but his heart beats faster when he learns about Taehyung's strawberry farm. Together they pick one strawberry after another and diligently fill their baskets.

 Together they pick one strawberry after another and diligently fill their baskets

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