Chapter 11: The End

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Lisa slowly brings the cup to her lips to take a small sip of the hot coffee. Her hands tremble nervously, because none other than Oh Sehun is sitting right in front of her. She couldn't let him enter the office to catch the CEO with his lover.

So, Lisa's suspicions have been confirmed. Jungkook loves this farmer, she no longer has any doubts. She's not angry, let alone surprised. All these years she had feelings for Jungkook, but deep down she knew it was just one-sided. Of course, she's sad, but somehow, she also knew that the day would come. In retrospect, inviting him to the wedding was a stupid idea.

"Mrs. Manoban?"

She chokes and quickly puts her hand over her mouth to control the sudden urge to cough. Lisa was so lost in thought that she drank too quickly.

"Wait, I'll get you a glass of water."

She's still can't speak and only nods her head. The cough is so strong that she already has tears in her eyes.

"Here. Drink it."

Sehun hands her the drink and gently strokes her back. She takes the glass in her hand and drinks one sip after the other until the scratching in her throat slowly subsides.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He sits down across from her again.

"You know, I really appreciate your invitation, but I don't like that you paid for the coffee," Sehun says.

He has this charming smile on his face. It's contagious, so Lisa can no longer keep the corners of her mouth down. It's strange how this whole situation came about. Lisa had to stop him somehow. In her panic, she couldn't think of anything better than to invite him for coffee.

("The CEO isn't in his office right now. you drink coffee? Let me invite you and we'll wait together.")

She didn't want to leave Oh Sehun unattended and coffee was the only thing she could think of. Now she has to keep him busy somehow.

"Please don't worry about the money. Do you like the coffee?"

"It tastes very good."

"I'm glad."

Lisa's smile fades as her gaze passes Sehun and she recognizes the man in the elevator behind him, who was in Jungkook's office just a short time ago. Does that mean he's alone now?

"Mrs. Manoban? Is everything okay?"

"Yes... everything's fine. I think you can go to Mr. Jeon's office now."

"Did he just come? "

He turns around, expecting to see the CEO in person, but there's no one behind him. Confused about who Lisa might have seen, he turns around again.

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me. I have a good intuition."

Somehow, she finds her own statement ridiculous and tries to suppress the embarrassment with a forced laugh.

"Well, if you say so..." he straightens up, Lisa's eyes are following him. "...but there's something else."

"What is it?"

"You invited me for coffee and I'd like to invite you to dinner."

Lisa just looks at him with her mouth open in surprise.

"Does that mean 'no'?"

"No... that... um... I don't know what to say."

"Just say 'yes'. I'm only staying in Seoul for a few more days. How about tomorrow night? Six o'clock? I'll pick you up."

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