Chapter 3: The Farmer

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Silently, they both walk side by side, hearing only the raindrops bouncing off the black umbrella. Jungkook is lost in thought. What will happen next? Only now does he realize that he hasn't thought at all about how to implement his actual plan. Can he really just ask this man to be a model in his company?

Jungkook turns his head slightly to the left to observe the farmer inconspicuously. He doesn't really look like a farmer at all. His brown shoes look worn, but it's the only right thing to wear old shoes in such weather. Walking around a farm in fancy shoes would be wrong somehow. With that thought, Jungkook looks down at his own leather shoes...yeah...totally out of place.

Afterwards, his gaze wanders back to the stranger. Surely, he could wear anything and would look good in it. Jungkook likes his brown coat and plays with the idea of buying a similar coat for himself.

Suddenly he feels caught when he notices the look of the handsome man. Jungkook quickly looks away. But...why actually? Jungkook doesn't know. He just knows that his stares make him totally nervous for some reason. This feeling is new to him and totally overwhelms him.

After a few seconds, he dares to turn his head in his direction once again. The farmer has meanwhile averted his gaze from the CEO of Gucci. This time Jungkook's eyes glide over his neck, to his chin, and up to his bulging lips. They're beautiful, not even cracked, and on top of that, they're formed into a smile. This sight also brings a smile to Jungkook's face before he looks on the ground again, embarrassed.

"So, there we are," the farmer says in a warm voice.

Jungkook stops on the spot and looks ahead in surprise. Indeed, the front door is right in front of them. Just a moment ago, the house seemed so far away. The stranger steps forward to open the door, then he turns to Jungkook.

"Come in."

He invites him into his house with a bright smile. Jungkook nods and enters the small house with a curious look. The first impression: very rustic, narrow corridors, but a beautiful light laminate floor.

Jungkook likes the wooden furniture; everything fits in perfectly. All in all, the house is surrounded by a warm and cosy atmosphere.

"It's very pretty," he says says, looking around. The farmer walks behind him, grinning with his arms crossed.

"Thank you. I inherited this house from my grandparents and I'm really proud of it."

Jungkook pauses as he notices the mud stains, he leaves on the laminate floor.

"Oh, damn it!"

In panic, he takes off his shoes.

"Don't worry about it. I was going to clean the house soon anyway. But while you're at it, you might as well take off the rest."

Jungkook holds his breath and feels the goosebumps spreading over his body. Did he really just say that? He hears the footsteps behind him getting louder. The stranger approaches him, making his heart beat faster.

"You must be cold in those soaking wet clothes. I'll show you the bathroom, you're welcome to freshen up there. I'll give you a change of clothes."

So...that's it...Jungkook laughs softly. How could he even think of anything else?

"Thank you, I would gladly accept this offer."


Jungkook enjoys the warm water on his skin. Although it's summer, the temperatures are surprisingly low at the moment. That's why he's been freezing a bit in his wet clothes. The shower is so big that two people can shower at the same time. By the way...does this farmer have a girlfriend? It seems that he lives here alone. Wait...why does he even care?

Meet me at Gucci, farmer! ✓Where stories live. Discover now