Chapter 15 - Froze In Our Spot

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Third person pov:

Evening, Alpha Richard's office.

Richard was sitting behind his desk while Bartholomew sat in one of the armchairs smoking his cigar and drinking his scotch.
-"I want you to give me one of your omega girls" Bartholomew said casually.
-"Take whoever you want. You know that you especially, do not have to ask to get something from here" Richard told.
-"She is a young omega that gave me incredulous pleasure at bed yesterday"
-"You and your girls Bartholomew...." Richard commented playfully.
-"Her name is Cassandra and she has a body filled with fire! You should have seen how I made her tremble out of pleasure," Bartholomew boasted.
-"What was her name again?" Richard asked concerned.
-"Cassandra. Unique as her body" Bartholomew said wickedly.
-"I am sorry Bartholomew you can't have this girl. Ask for another......" Richard said awkwardly.
-"What? Don't tell me that you want her for you....." Bartholomew said agitated.
-"It's not that. You know I always grant your wishes but I cannot this time Bartholomew" Richard said hesitantly.
-"Why not?" Bartholomew asked angrily. 
-"I've already accepted her mate's request this morning" Richard explained.
-"Undo it" Bartholomew ordered strictly.
-"I can't. Her mate is a high ranking wolf of another pack. I don't want to create a diplomatic problem."
-"Who is he?" Bartholomew asked coldly.
-"Bartholomew, don't do anything stupid. Especially not now, that the Council members are breathing down our necks all right" Richard reasoned.
-"I want this girl, don't you understand?" Bartholomew insisted.
-"Bartholomew please be reasonable, many are at stake......"
-"Don't tell me what to do. I want this girl and I will have it" Bartholomew said stubbornly.
-"Don't be so stubborn. She's nothing important. Just a simple omega" Richard reasoned once again.
-"I don't care. I'll have her no matter what" Bartholomew said and left the office slamming the door behind him.
-"Things are getting more and more complicated. I have to be careful and prepared. Thank Goddess I didn't tell him about the new pack named as Silver Dawn. He will start again the conspiratory theories about how Phaethon is behind all this. I have enough of his obsession so far."

The next morning.......

-"Alina how is Cassandra's current health state?" Alpha Alexander asked.
-"According to doctors she is better. In fact she will get out this evening" Alina replied.
 -"Nice. Take Cassandra and return to the pack as soon as possible" Alexander suggested.
-"Why do we have to leave so soon Alpha?"
-"Cassandra must leave this pack immediately. She is in great danger!" Alexander explained.
-"Ok then, I'll make all the arrangements for our trip."
-"Do not forget don't tell anyone about your trip and take five guards with you"
-"Five guards, aren't they too many Alpha?"
-" If I guess correctly, Cassandra was raped by this scum, Bartholomew. He is the only one who could do such a thing under the nose of the Council. Do not underestimate him. He has an obsessive relationship with people. He will not hesitate to look for her or do anything worse"
-"I see....." Alina said.
-"Be prepared for everything and take care!" Alexander said concerned.
-"Don't worry I will"


Elektra's pov:

-"Father at last I found you! Where were you? I've been looking for you all over" I complained.
-"What is so important Elektra?" my father asked me sternly.
-"I want you to give me some advice about tonight's meeting".
-"Is that it? Elektra I have very important things to take care of. Don't waste my time with meaningless things" father said disparagingly. It is the first time he treats me this way. I wonder what took place.
-"Father is everything ok?"
-"No, Elektra" he said angrily.
-"How can I help you?" I said as I approached him and stroke his back. He abruptly grabbed my hand and took it away.
-"By leaving me alone!" he shouted.
-"Father what's going on? I've never seen you acting like this before!"
-"Electra, I do not have time for chit chat. Just go!" he said sternly.
Although I was worried about him, I decided to let him be. I knew that patience was not one of my father's assets. To be honest, his behavior hurt me. Never before has he treated me so badly. I was heading to the door ready to leave when my father spoke again.
-"And Elektra......."
-"Yes father" I said as I turned around.
-"Make sure you won't fuck it up this evening! he said venomously.
I couldn't believe in my ears. Father never spoke to me like this before! I stood there devastated looking at him in shock! I never imagined that my father would be so mean to me! I was so shocked that I did not answer anything. I turned back and ran away!
I was running down the aisle when I fell on someone's body. Sparkles appeared all over my body. I knew this feeling! Only one man could cause such a reaction to me. Alexander! I continued to look down, avoiding eye contact with him. Once again I looked like a real mess.
Alexander caressed my cheek and with his thumb in my chin he raised my head up. When he saw me crying he gave me a compassionate smile.
-"What's wrong my girl?" he asked softly.
-"I just had a fight with my father! It's the first time he treated me so badly."
-"Why?" Alexander wondered.
-"I asked him where he was because I was looking for him. He answered in a horrible and disrespectful way. I really do not know what caught him. Maybe something important is bothering him" I tried to justify his behavior.
-"Whatever it was, he had no right to treat you so badly" Alexander said. Listening to his words made me want only one thing. Embrace him! Which I did! I fell into his arms and hugged him tightly. When our bodies touched each other, I was filled with sparkles everywhere. Millions of butterflies filled my stomach and a sweet shiver went through me. I did not know if he had the same symptoms, although it was obvious that my hug affected him, very .....
-"Thank you" I said cordially.
-"About what?" he asked breaking the hug and looking me in the eyes.
-"For being here"I answered him honestly which made him smile broadly. After all what I said was true, his presence really made me feel better.
- "Would you like to take a walk?"
-"Well, I'd love to! "I said radiantly. We decided to have a picnic near the small lake with the waterfall we had found the last time we were in the forest. When we arrived we laid the tablecloth and placed the basket.
-"What about swimming? Alexander asked and before I could catch up with what he said I was already in the lake. Then Alexander followed behind with a big splash!
-"Hey!"I tried to protest but Alexander came from behind and sank me. When I reached the surface I started swimming towards him chasing him. We sprinkled water on each other and that went on for a few hours. We spent the whole morning swimming and playing water fighting. When noon came we decided to eat something as we were both very hungry! We sat at the tablecloth and dived into our food which was absolutely delicious! We devoured all our food and decided to go back as we had the last and most important meeting to attend. Usually the last meeting is the most important as it is the only one where all the decisions are made.
We were returning to the pack laughing and teasing each other. When we reached outside the pack house we stopped to say goodbye to each other.  Alexander approached me and started stroking my cheek while I welcomed his caresses with joy. Our attraction was more than obvious and could not be contained even if we wanted to...
-"You know I had a great time today!" Alexander said smiling.
- "So did I," I confessed, giving him a wide smile which he reciprocated. Then Alexander put his hands on my arms and kissed me gently on my lips.
-"It always manages to make me happy when I see so much affection from a young couple" a male voice was suddenly heard. We turned to see who the voice belonged to and surprised we froze in our spots.

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