Chapter 30 - A love blossoms

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Alexander's pov:

Cassandra stood in front of me looking up at the stars. She was wearing a t-shirt and pants and had her hair done in a messy bun.

-"What are you doing here so late at night?" I asked her while she turned around surprised.

-"Did I scare you?" I asked again.

-"No, no... I just didn't expect anyone to be up so late."

-"Oh...I see....What you are doing here?"

-"I couldn't sleep and decided to come here and watch the stars" she answered timidly.

-"Do you want me to keep you company?"

-"I don't mind....." she said smiling which I took it as a message that she loved my company.

We sat next to the fire which had been extinguished for some time. It didn't take me long to notice that Cassandra hugged herself with her arms. She was cold.

-"Are you cold?" I asked in concern. I don't know why but whenever I am around this girl, my paternal instinct comes out. I see her as my little sister, the sister I never had.

-"A little. The night is a bit chilly" she replied sincerely.

-"Do you want me to light a fire?"

-"No, no don't bother yourself...." she said awkwardly.

-"Wait a minute" I told her as I got up and headed for my tent. After a few minutes I returned holding a blanket in my hands. I put in on her shoulders and sat next to her.

-"Are you feeling better now?" I asked.

-"Yes thank you" she said as she curled up herself with the blanket.

-"Beautiful night, don't you think?" I asked.

-"Yes it is.....You know......" she said hesitantly.

-"Yeah......" I replied while I kept staring at the stars.

-"All this time I .........I......wanted to thank you for everything you done for me so far" she said after she exhaled deeply.

-"You don't have to thank me for anything... cause I didn't do anything important."

-"Don't be so modest. You did more than you were expected. Maybe it seems insignificant to you but your actions changed my life completely. You saved me! And I can't thank you enough for this!" she said thankfully.

-"Don't bother yourself with trivial things. I did what everyone else would do: nothing more nothing less. You shouldn't feel obligated."

-"But I am........and you can't imagine how much I like it" she said as she approached closer to me in an alluring way.

Our faces were only a few inches apart. A weird feeling prevailed in the atmosphere. Something was pulling me towards her but I couldn't pinpoint what it was.... Our breaths became heavy while our eyes never lose contact. I lost myself in her beautiful forest green eyes. And then it happened: so suddenly, so unexpectedly. Cassandra leaned more towards me and kissed me! Her kiss was hesitant and soft and the weirdest thing is that I enjoyed it and returned it. As the kiss deepened, it became more needy and dominant for both parts. This woman awakened feelings that I have buried deep within me for a long time. I haven't been with a woman since Electra broke up with me. No other woman has managed to make me feel such attraction like Elektra has, until now....

Cassandra was young, sweet and innocent! It was obvious that she didn't even know how to kiss. When I realized what we were doing I broke the kiss immediately. Cassandra was only eighteen while I was already thirty five! She could be my daughter! I felt awful and disgusted with myself. I was doing what Bartholomew has already done to her. No, I wasn't like him! I wasn't a monster! I abruptly stood up and walked away from her.

-"You should go inside. Staying here in the middle of the night is very dangerous. Good night." I told her sternly and turned around without sparing her a single glance. I couldn't look at her directly in her eyes. I was too ashamed to do that.

-"Go....od...n...night" she mumbled disappointingly. My antics clearly let her down and maybe my attitude confused her, but that was the right thing for me to do. I shouldn't have allowed myself to be carried away by my impulses. There is no justification for what happened. I returned to my tent feeling really embarrassed and angry with myself.

-"How could I do such a thing? She is just a kid! I am no better than Bartholomew after all! Oh my Goddess! How did I let myself get carried away so easily?" I thought to myself.

-"Relax! It was a simple kiss! Don't make a big deal out of nothing!" Ares intervened in my head.

-"How can you say that? She is just a kid Ares!" I contradicted.

-"And you are a man with needs. Don't judge yourself so strictly. The girl is very beautiful. Anyone would do the same in your position."

-"I am not like every other man! You should have known better!" I scolded him.

-"You can't live in solitude. You should find a woman to love and take care of" Ares suggested.

-"A woman not a girl. Cassandra is too young for me. Besides it's too soon to talk about finding another woman. My heart, my thought, my mind, everything belongs to Elektra"

-"Although it hurts me deeply to admit, Elektra rejected us. She doesn't want anything to do with us. She doesn't recognize you as her mate. Don't get your hopes up." Ares commented disappointingly.

-"That's enough! Let's go to sleep. I am really very tired" I said as I lay down on my sleeping bag. Ares unwillingly went to the back of my mind. I know he cares for me and his intentions meant well but still I wasn't ready to discuss about my love life. The thought that Elektra will never accept me as her mate was heartbreaking.

Cassandra's pov:

After Alexander suddenly got away, I stayed outside for a while. I couldn't go back to sleep. I felt excited because of the moment Alexander and I shared a few minutes ago. I replayed the scene in my head over and over, touching my lips. Alexander's kiss had left them with a sweet feeling. His kiss was great! I had never been kissed so sweetly by a man. That savage, Bartholomew, made me believe that making love is something awful, disgusting and painful especially for a woman. But tonight Alexander showed me another aspect of love making. He made me see that human touch isn't savage but kind and tender. His kiss was absolutely mind blowing!

He is such a nice guy and so beautiful both inside and out. I couldn't deny it any longer. I was in love with him. From the first time I met him, that day in the Silver Moon pack, I was mesmerized by his beauty and goodness. I've never seen an Alpha behaving so well to an omega before. His kindness captured completely my heart.

After these villains were arrested everyone learnt about Alexander's efforts to catch them and stop them. This man didn't save only me but the entire werewolf community! He is such a great guy! A really remarkable and praiseworthy man!

I know that a relationship with him is almost impossible for many reasons. I am nothing more than a mere omega while he is the Alpha of one of the strongest packs and a future contender for the throne. He is respected by everyone from the simple omegas to the Council members while I am nothing important. But I will try to be worthy of him. I will win his heart. I know I can do it. Even if I am not his mate, I will eventually manage to make him mine.

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