Chapter 19 - Disappointment

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Elektra's pov:

I left Richard's office and run to my room crying. Hearing that Alexander had finally found his mate was devastating for me. It was like someone stabbed me with a sharp knife in my heart! Frostie was a wreck too. She was crying uncontrollably inside my head. It was like she was mourning her lost love. Even though I knew we weren't mates, the fact that Alexander found his other half made the ground slide under my feet. I should expect that this moment would finally come, but I never thought it would be so soon. Why do I feel so sad? Apparently our feelings for him and his wolf where stronger than we thought it would be.
I decided to stay in my room all afternoon. I did not want to eat or drink or see anyone. I was completely devastated by the news. Any hope I had that maybe Alexander and I could be something more, vanished in the air. Until now I thought there was a chance we could be a real couple. So far ....
My father tried to talk to me through the mind - link, but I shut him down. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. The night passed with me sobbing most of the hours. Frostie had already gone in the back of my head mourning for our unfulfilled love. Everything looked darker, pale and cold. My joy, happiness, optimism were all gone. Something died inside me today. 

The next day was scheduled for our pack to return home. The meetings were already finished and literally we didn't have anything else to do here. I started preparing my luggage with heavy heart. An omega knocked my door interrupting my train of thoughts. She was carrying a tray with breakfast on it. She put it on the little table across my bed and left. I grabbed only the cup of coffee and took a few sips. Nothing went down.
After a while another omega came to inform me that my father was waiting for me at the parking lot. He helped me carry my luggage and together we exited the room. At the parking lot, there were some omegas that helped with the luggage. They put mine in the back of the SUV while I got in the passenger seat and fasten my seatbelt.
Father was already behind the wheel waiting for me. When I got in, he gave me a scrutinizing look. I wore a black t - shirt, my skinny jeans and large black sunglasses. He wasn't used to seeing me in this outfit.
-"Elektra what's wrong?" he asked.
-"Nothing" I said trying to look cool.
-"Are you sure? You don't look well to me...." father continued. I knew it wasn't easy for someone to fool him...
-"I am a little tired that's all. I didn't sleep well at night" I tried to explain.
-"Get some sleep then. We have much to do when we return" he said and started the engine. I leaned my head to the window looking outside. Ι was trying to occupy my mind with something other than Alexander. I was watching the trees and the dense vegetation when we passed near the lake with the waterfall. Tears began to run down my cheeks as I tried to hide my sobbing. My mind was flooded with memories of that evening we shared with Alexander. I do not know what hurts the most: the fact that he found his mate or that I will no longer have the opportunity to share a romantic moment with him ........
Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure, my relationship with Alexander is over. I do not intend to be the third person or the cause that will separate a couple. Alexander is off limits for me from now on. I don't believe he will seek to meet with me again but if he does I will surely drive him away. I find it extremely offensive to fool around when you have already found your mate. I will not succumb to his charm even if doing this will hurt me a lot.
We arrived home and I quickly got out of the car. I went upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom. The first two days I remained in my bed with Roxanne showing up three or four times a day to check on me. I have never seen her so worried about me. Of course, I 've never been in a situation like this before but who's paying attention. The third day arrived and I wanted to spend it in bed too but unfortunately for me, Roxanne had other plans. When she came in and saw me still lying in my bed, she started yelling at me. She pulled the blankets over me and opened the windows letting in the sunlight illuminate the room.
-"Get up Elektra. Enough with the self pitiness!" she said in a strict way.
-"Why don't you leave me alone?" I protested and covered my face with a pillow.
-"Cause I can't allow you to immerse yourself in depression. You can't sit here and cry about things you never had. Get up, pour some water in your face and move on! You hear me?" Roxanne scolded me. I 've never heard her talking to me like this before....
-"Don't you see I can't? I am too sad to do anything!" I exclaimed in frustration.
-"Nonsense.... what would your mother say if she saw you in such a mess? Thank Goddess she isn't alive..."
-"Why are you telling me about my mother? What does she have to do with it?"I asked angrily.
-"Your mother suffered a lot. She faced many difficulties and loses but never gave up. Never! She faced every problem with strength and dignity. You should do the same and not disgrace her memory" Roxanne scolded.
-"That isn't my intention and you know it!" I protested. How could she accuse me in such way for something so personal?
-"But you are doing it!" Roxanne added.
-"Roxanne please! Don't you see that I'm in great pain?" I reasoned.
-"I know my child,"she said as she sat next to me and stroked my head. "I know, but you have to move on ... It's not that you've lost your mate ... It's just a crash, nothing else ..."
-"I know you are right. My mind tells me the same but my heart thinks differently" I confessed.
-"You need to get on with your life. Mourn a relationship that was doomed from the beginning is a waste of time ... "Roxanne said seriously. I know she meant well, but her words hurt me deeply. It's not that I don't know that what she said was true, I guess I wasn't ready to hear it. Like if no one tells me about it can't be true.....

Alexander's pov:

I returned to the Silver Moon Pack eager to see Elektra and tell her the good news. It was still hard to believe it! Elektra was my mate! I knew it! All those things I felt when I was close to her couldn't be a simple coincidence. I informed Steve that I would return to the Silver Moon Pack and continued the journey in my wolf form.

I reached the eastern border where I was stopped by the border control. When they made the necessary identification they asked me the reason for my visit. I found a pretext telling them that I lost my wallet and wanted to look it up. They let me through since they probably informed their Beta about it. I was accompanied by two guards. I found their ways a bit strange. I was there yesterday afternoon, so I could not understand why I was treated with such hostility today. Something didn't feel right and my wolf, Ares was restless too but I decided to go on. I was so eager to tell Elektra the good news that I didn't care about anything. As we walked along the pack, I tried to catch the smell of Electra to no avail. "Maybe she was still in her room" I thought to myself. "Or maybe she has already left" Ares contradicted. I prefered to ignore him and continued looking for Elektra discreetly.
Alpha Richard was waiting for me at his office. He was revising some documents when I entered. He didn't pay me any attention until I cleared my throat to show him my presence in the room. I was sure he probably recognized it, but it was his way of intimidating me and showing me who the boss was.
-"Well, well, well, who do we have here? Alpha Alexander of the Silver Dawn Pack how can I help you?" Richard said smiling wickedly.
-"I've lost my wallet and I would like you to give me the opportunity to look for it..."
-"Oh what a pity.....I will send two omegas to look for it immediately ... " he continued in a mocking style that made me feel annoying.
-"No, no there is no need to...I will look it for myself"
-"I am sorry boy but don't expect me to let you wondering around in my pack premises just like that!"
 -"I....I understand" I said and a bad feeling started to overwhelm me. My wolf, Ares was worried. He advised me to leave this pack and wait for Elektra to return to her pack and talk to her there. Although I knew Ares was right, I could not do it. I was so excited to tell her the good news that I could not wait even for an hour...
Two omegas came in and Richard ordered them to look for my wallet. Unfortunately, my plan to meet Elektra, proved completely unsuccessful.
After a while, the omegas came back informing us the obvious, that they didn't manage to find anything in my previous room. How could they? There was anything to find in the first place.
-"Too bad, Alexander ... you will leave empty-handed from here" Richard said sarcastically.
-"It's ok maybe I've lost it somewhere else..." I told disappointed.
-"Who are you kidding? You didn't lose anything. You came here to spy on us!" Richard accused me.
-"What are you talking about?" I protested surprised. I didn't see that coming!
-"I know what you are trying to do....."
-"I am not trying to do anything..." I talked back.
-"Do not interrupt me... Guards!" he shouted furious.
Two well built men burst into his office angrily. Richard gave me an evil smirk and ordered them:
-"Seize this man"
-"What?" I exclaimed in surprise.
Ares insisted on giving him control but I didn't listen to him. Giving him the control meant only one thing: a massacre! And this would only do things worse! The only way to get out of here and soon was to comply with Richard's wishes. He had no evidence against me, it was illegal to keep me in prison. Sooner or later he had to report to the Council.
The two men approached me threateningly. I looked at them calmly, raising my hands in the air as a sign of surrender.
-"I'm entitled to a phone call" I said calmly.
-"You are entitled of nothing" Richard said curtly and continued addressing to the guards "Take him to the dungeons"
Ares was furious, he kept telling in my head to fight and not let them imprison me, but I knew that his proposal was reckless and irrational and would lead to awful results. So I didn't show any resistance and let them lead me to the dungeons hoping Steve will realize the reason of my absence.

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