Chapter 20 - Always mine

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Bartholomew's pov:

It was late at night and I was still working in my office. Richard called me some minutes ago to inform me about Alexander's imprisonment. Apparently this idiot went back to the Silver Moon pack probably looking for Elektra. He is so foolish that he allows himself to be controlled by his desires..... And whoever does this is doomed to suffer the consequences.

-"I have already locked this bastard up...He fell directly to our trap" Richard said triumphantly.

-"Nice job! But you must be very careful; his pack will definitely notify the Council. Don't underestimate him" I commented.

-"I know....I will keep him here only for a few days, just to push him away from your daughter! By the way how is she? She didn't look good that day in my office...." Richard said sardonically.

-"She can't deal with it. She has locked herself in her bedroom since we arrived. Unfortunately she is very weak, Richard."

-"It's logical for her to react like this, especially if Alexander is her real mate"

-"No, he can't be her mate" I strongly objected.

-"If he isn't her mate, someone must be ....." Richard reasoned.

-"Elektra doesn't have a mate" I told him angrily. Richard's insistence pissed me off.

-"We all have a mate whether you like it or not. Just because you rejected and killed yours, does not mean that everyone else can't have theirs."

-"Elektra doesn't and won't have a mate, because she is cursed" I confessed to him while I heard the door slammed.

-"What did you say, father?" asked Elektra standing in front of me. Her appearance was awful. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and her eyes were swollen from crying. He was wearing a big t-shirt and shorts. Apparently he heard what I told Richard a few minutes ago...

-"Richard I have to go..." I told Richard and hang up the phone immediately. Elektra stood in front of my desk with her arms folded tapping her right foot upside down nervously. I tried to gain some time so I could find an excuse for that.

-"Well, am I a cursed father?" she asked through tears. Unfortunately, I began to realize that my daughter was too weak for my liking. I wonder who she looks like.... Neither I nor her mother was weak.......She sure let me down....

-"How many times have I told you that you must knock before you enter?" I scolded her.
-"Answer the damn question!" she demanded. Although I didn't tolerate such behaviors I couldn't feel more proud of her. Maybe I judged her hastily, she isn't so weak after all. I can see some of my features occasionally.
-"Yes, you are" I said coldly.
-"But how? When? Why?" she wondered in a shaky voice. She was trying very hard to handle the whole situation and control herself.
-"I can't tell you much because I don't know anything my child. All I know is that Phaethon, the Alpha of the Silver Dawn Pack, had a powerful witch cast a spell on you when you were born leaving you mate-less for the rest of your life!" I said in a sympathetic voice.
-"What? Why did this alpha do such a thing to me? I never hurt him or do anything against him!" I protested.
-"This man wanted your mother for his Luna. He was chasing her for a long time and when he realized that he could not separate us, he resorted to this abominable action".
-"But he already had his Luna.....Why chasing my mother? It makes no sense....."
-"How do you know this?" I asked her angrily. I hope this Roxane didn't open her mouth because she will pay for it. I'll make sure!
-"I.....I was doing a research at my college about old packs and I found his name.... Is there a problem father?"
-"No, no absolutely no problem. Just wondering...." I managed to say. Roxanne got away with it this time..... Elektra isn't a fool. I have to be very careful with her. She can easily connect the dots and find out about her past and her origin......But whoever dares to tell her the truth about her mother will suffer a tragic death.
-"When did you learn about my curse?" Elektra asked with trembling voice. It was obvious that the whole situation hurt her deeply. Maybe Richard was right, maybe this scammer was her mate after all. But even if he is, they will never know that they are mates as long as I am still alive.
-"When you turned twenty. I was so worried about you, especially when it turned out that you and David were not mates. When the years passed and you did not find your mate, I secretly went to a sorcerous to find out what was happening. The sorcerous informed me about the curse that fell on you!"
-"And? Did he tell you how can we reverse the spell?"
-"I.....I really don't know my daughter...." I answered.
-"How can you not know? Did you ask him or not about it?" she questioned.
-"Unfortunately, the sorcerous couldn't find a reverse spell" I told her trying to look sympathetic.
-"Tell me where this sorcerous is and I will go to speak to him"
-"You can't."
-"Why not?"
-"Cause he died two years ago. No one knows how or who did this....I guess maybe one of Phaeton's descendants ... "
Silence prevailed for some minutes. Elektra was looking down while I was trying to figure out what she was thinking about.
-"What was her name?"
-"Whose name?" I wondered.
-"The witch that casted a spell on me" she explained. She asked like it really mattered what the witch's name was. She's never going to find her anyway cause I was clever enough to get her out of the way.
-"Elina, that was her name" I replied sincerely.
-"Why didn't you tell me earlier about this father?"
-"What for? Upset you and make you miserable? No, no my beautiful daughter. I wanted the best for you! I couldn't hurt you like this...."
-"You should have done it one day, don't you think?" she contradicted.
-"I suppose you are right....I just couldn't dispel your hopes"
-"Ι know father you meant well. You always care for me. I'm sorry if I was harsh on you!"
-"It's ok my love! Ι hold nothing against you! I love you so much that I forgive you everything my beautiful daughter!"
-"Thank you father."
-"For what?" I wondered.
-"For loving me, taking care of me and always being by my side!" she said and gave me a big hug. I hugged her too, tightly. Her smell was intoxicating! It reminded me so much of her mother's! I wasn't willing to share my daughter with anyone. Let alone to that useless bastard, Alexander. Elektra is mine and only mine!
-"What are we going to do now father?" Elektra asked with watery eyes. She looked at me like a small kitten. I loved the way she placed her body into my arms! She looked so vulnerable, so dependent on me like a little child!
-"Don't worry. I am in search of another witch. I will find a way to break the spell, I promise you, my beautiful daughter" I told her and stroke gently her hair. She leaned her head towards my hand and welcomed the caress.
We will always be like this: together! I won't allow anyone to steal her from me! She belongs to me since the day she was born. And so it shall always be...!

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