Chapter 67 - A strange dream

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Roxanne's pov:

A month passed with Elektra in the same state as always. The doctors said that hopes faded as time went on. Alexander did not visit her even once disappointing me more than expected. I couldn't believe his cruelty towards his own mate. What got into him? Didn't he love her anymore? Didn't he feel anything about her? I just couldn't believe it. What happened to him? How did he become like this? Such an indifferent person....

Electra lay on her bed pale and weak. Still in a coma. I talked to her and brought her flowers every day. She was like a child to me. I couldn't come to terms with the idea that I was going to lose her soon...... The doctors were adamant. According to them, there was little chance of Elektra waking up. She was doomed to sleep for eternity and eventually die.

I started sobbing. I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I was crying uncontrollably when David entered the room. When he talked to me, I jumped out of fear.

-"Roxanne?" he asked worriedly approaching me. "Are you ok?"

-"I....I can't anymore...She is too young to have such an unfortunate faith...Alexander is to blame for this. If he came to see her, her situation might change"

-"What are you talking about? You are exaggerating.....You know that Elektra can't be saved..... No one can save her, even her own mate...."

-"No, no this is not true....Her mate has many possibilities to change her situation. I am sure about it...." I insisted.

-"The doctors didn't mention anything about it"

-"What do doctors know? They don't know shit" I said annoyed.

-"Come" he said soothingly and hugged me tightly. We stayed like that for a few seconds. I let all my emotions come out of me... I couldn't take it anymore... I couldn't accept the injustice that Elektra suffered. I wanted to scream, yell, break things; I wanted to burst out...

I cried for several minutes into David's arms. I didn't know what else I could do. My feelings, hopes, everything was doomed since Elektra fell into a coma.

Two weeks later:

Electra's condition deteriorated as the time passed by. I spent most of my days and nights in the hospital sitting next to her trying to soak up as much time with her as I could. According to the doctors the end was near. Only a miracle could save her. I tried to become familiar with the idea that in a few days she wouldn't be with us anymore, that I wouldn't have the chance to see her growing up, having her own kids. I always believed that I would go first. It's so unfair for parents to leave this world after their kids. I know I'm not her real mother, but I love her as such. I have loved her since the first time I saw her. I still remember the smile she gave me when I held her in my arms. She was a beautiful baby. I was there when she got her first teeth, said her first words, and took her first steps... I was by her side in every aspect of her life. I made a promise to her mother I was unable to hold. "I am sorry Skylar, I failed you" I said between sobbing and started crying uncontrollably until sleep overwhelmed me.

I was swinging back and forth on a white swing suspended from an oak tree in the middle of a large meadow, when my swinger stopped abruptly. I turned around and saw someone I didn't expect to see again. Skylar was standing behind me looking at me peacefully.

-"Hello Roxanne" she said giving me a small smile.

-"Hi Skylar" I whispered. "How? How....What are you doing here?"

-"We are not in the real world Roxanne....Everything can happen here" she said calmly.

-"Am I dead?" I asked making her laugh.

-"No, of course not. Don't be silly" she said trying to restrain her laugh.

-"Then what am I doing here?"

-"Don't try to rationalize your presence here... You are here because Elektra called you" she said and looked ahead. I followed her gaze and saw a large lake five hundred meters away... A woman was sitting by her side. She had long red hair. It was Elektra! As soon as I realized it, I ran towards her excitedly shouting her name at the same time. Skylar was following behind me.

-"Elektra, Elektra" I shouted to no avail. The woman was still sitting in her seat ignoring me.

After a while I managed to reach her, approached her and gave her a big hug.

-"My girl, my beautiful girl! How much I've missed you!" I said crying, hugging her tightly. We stayed there for a few minutes until we broke the hug.

She looked at me with love saying:

-"Roxanne, how are you?"

-"I feel so happy I see you again!" I told her happily.

-"Me too!" she said with a smile.

-"My girl you have to fight. You must return to us!" I advised her.

-"Roxanne, this is the last time Ι see you ...."

-"What? What are you talking about?" I wondered.

-"Roxanne, our Goddess has asked for me..... I can't stay among the livings anymore"

-"No! No, this can't be true!" I exclaimed in agony.

-"Roxanne" Skylar's voice was heard from behind. "You have to accept this....There is nothing you can do to prevent it...It's our goddess' wish"

-"But, but she's so young Skylar. She has her whole life ahead of her. There has to be something we can do" I protested.

-"My sweet Roxane..... Don't cry.... I'm already gone! I came back just for you, to say goodbye... and thank you for everything you've done for me all these years."

-"I.....I...." I tried to say to no avail feeling remorseful. Hearing Elektra telling me she's not coming back was devastating..... Deep in my heart I still hoped that Elektra would recover.

Hot tears began to fall down my face. Elektra came close to me again and hugged me tightly. So did Skylar. The three of us stayed there hugging tightly and crying for several minutes.

When we managed to calm down, Skylar approached me and started caressing my hair trying to sooth me.

-"It is her fate... Don't you see? She belongs to me. I was deprived of her for so long" she said in a way that gave me the creeps.

-"She is very young...She has her whole life ahead of her....She did not have time to get married and have children....Although she found her mate, she was not given the opportunity to spend time with him"

-"He doesn't deserve her" she said strictly.

-"I agree, but that's not enough reason not to fight for her life" I contradicted.

She gave me an angry look and abruptly stood up making Elektra follow behind.

- "We have to go, Roxanne" Elektra said with tears in her eyes. She gave me another tight hug and followed her mother who was already a few steps ahead.

Watching them walking away, a thought made me shudder. I woke up feeling worse than before with a strange conviction in mind.

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