Chapter 45 - Unconcious

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Alexander's pov:

Bartholomew although old, he proved to be a worthy opponent. He repelled many of my attacks and fought strongly. Besides us, many Silver Dawn worriers were fighting with me. Along with my warriors, Bartholomew's accomplices were not far from here, and when they realized that there was a battle, they came to help. The battle between mine and Bartholomew's warriors lasted until the early hours of the morning.

Finally we managed to beat them. We had some losses, but Bartholomew's team had more. I managed to hurt Bartholomew and immobilize him. We gathered everyone in one spot and waited for the Council guards to come and take them away. They each faced serious charges and would likely spend the rest of their lives in prison.

The Council's SUV showed up after an hour and a half. The Council members were briefed on our mission before we started, but in any case finding the cabin was no easy task for them in such dense vegetation.

Guards began to gather Bartholomew's men into the SUV after handcuffing them with silver handcuffs so they could not escape. Along with them an ambulance has arrived. They rushed into the cabin where Electra lay unconscious. She was in bad shape. Bartholomew's blows were deep into her body.

As the paramedics were trying to carry Elektra to the ambulance, I was arranging the final details for transporting the men. Bartholomew was supposed to enter alone to a different SUV. He would head to the Council headquarters and be immediately judged by the Council members.

I was talking to John about the details when Bartholomew, I don't know how, broke free from the guards' grip and headed towards me. He held a knife in his hand and before we even realized it John came in front of me while Bartholomew stabbed him right under his heart. I shouted for paramedics to come immediately and take care of him. The knife apparently was silver and John had to be taken to the hospital immediately.

The guards immediately grabbed and managed to immobilize Bartholomew. Then they put a silver collar on his neck that would prevent him from doing further harm.

Elektra and John were delivered to the hospital of Black Moon pack as it was the nearest in the forest. I followed behind with one of my SUV with Roxanne inside. On the road she told me that Bartholomew tried to rape her. This animal! How could he try to rape his own daughter? Even if she isn't his natural daughter he was the one who raised her!

When I got in the hospital, chaos was everywhere: there were many ranges with wounded wolves, the medical staff was going up and down trying to attend everyone and there was a commotion.

I went to the receptionist and asked about John and Elektra while Roxanne tried to find a nurse to treat her wounds. Fortunately it wasn't anything serious. John was in the surgery room while Elektra was already in her room. They cleaned her wounds and put her in a room to get some rest.

I told the receptionist to inform me of any developments in John's condition and I headed towards Electra's room. She was lying on her bed looking weak and pale. Seeing her in this state broke my heart into a million pieces. I approached her bed and sat next to her. I took her hand and gave it a small peck. Sparks filled my whole body for the first time! What was happening? Did the bond work? How and why now? I went outside to ask the doctors about Electra's condition.

I was told she was stable but very malnourished and weak. He just needed time to recover. Unfortunately they did not say anything about the operation of the bond. They haven't heard anything about it before.

John was still at the surgery room. The doctors were trying to discard the contaminated tissue so as to reduce the extent of infection. It was a difficult venture as the wound was very close to his heart.

The next morning I was still in Elektra's room when Alina called and informed me that Cassandra was missing. Apparently she has left the pack. Alina formed a small team of warriors and scouts and searched for her to no avail, she has vanished into thin air!

Elektra showed some slight signs of improvement. She managed to move her arms and legs a little but didn't wake up. The doctor said that her current condition is not due to pathological but mainly psychological factors. Bartholomew's attempt to rape her combined with the fact that he was not her real father sent her into a state of shock where her mind refuses to wake up and face reality.

The good thing is that I still feel goosebumps and sparks whenever I touch her and something inside me tells me she does too. I still don't know what sparked this reaction between us, but I'm more than happy with how things turned out.

Although I wanted to stay by her side all day, unfortunately I couldn't because of my many responsibilities. The Council decided to make me their member and I had a lot to take care of besides my alpha duties.

Roxanne had fully recovered and announced me that she would take care of Elektra. I was ready to kiss Elektra for goodbye when she knocked on the door and got inside.

-"Oh I am sorry for interrupting" she said embarrassed.

-"It's ok" I told her with a smile while I gave a big kiss on Elektra's right cheek that today looked a lot better. Then I addressed Roxanne and told her "Take a good care of her"

-"Don't worry I will" she said and sat on one of the armchairs"

-"I will return in the afternoon" I informed her. "Do you want anything to eat or drink? Do you have any money on you?"

-"Don't worry. David is on his way" Roxanne answered.

-"No, no" I replied and put out of my pocket my wallet and gave her some money. She refused to take them but I insisted. Then I left the room and headed to the Black Moon's pack house where Orestes, the Alpha along with some Council members was waiting for me.

I spent my whole day talking and trying to find the best solution for our prisoners. Many of the members suggested the death penalty for Bartholomew and I agreed with them. This man turned out to be very dangerous. So far he has shown us that he is capable of everything. Jailing him won't solve any problems.

We finally decided that Bartholomew will be tried where the death penalty can be determined. It was already night when I finished with all my responsibilities and headed towards the hospital. Roxanne informed me about Elektra's situation which was stable.

I got into her room. Elektra was lying on her bed while Roxanne was sitting on a chair. She looked very tired.

-"Good evening" I greeted her.

-"Good evening Alexander" Roxanne said and stood up.

-"Please, please don't get up" I advised and continued "Have you eaten anything all day?"

-"Don't worry about me. I am fine" she said sternly.

-"Have something to eat and go to rest. I'll stay here".

-"No, I would stay you must be very tired you were working all day"

-"There is no need, I will stay here" I reassured her.

-"I don't know........I..... I don't want to leave her alone again....."

-"What are you afraid of? Bartholomew is already locked up" I reasoned.

-"I don't know. He is obsessed with her. He can easily send someone to harm her"

-"Don't be afraid. I am here. I won't let anything bad happen to her" I reassured her and managed to persuade her. She took her jacket and headed towards the door.

When she was ready to open the door she turned towards me and said in an imposing manner

-"Take good care of her" she said looking at me intently and left.

I approached Elektra's bed and took her hand again. Sparks filled my whole body. I started to like it and got addicted to it. I told her about my day while she remained unconscious. Unfortunately, apart from this movement of her hand yesterday, she showed no improvement. I am very worried about her and hope she gets over her shock and wakes up soon.

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