Chapter 39 - Strange things

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Elektra's pov:

I woke up hearing someone talking. Even though, I tried very hard to open my eyes, something prevented me to do so. My body was numb and it was very hard for me to move my limbs while my mouth was dry and had a weird taste.

The voices got louder as the seconds ticked by and I started to feel my fingers moving again. I tried to move my arms to no avail. I suddenly realized that my hands and feet were tied. Cold sweat appeared on my forehead. Why I was tied up? I finally managed to open my eyes and looked around. I found myself tied to the bed and completely alone.

The place was dark, but I realized that I was still in the cabin. "What happened? How many hours I was lying here? Was my father's friend angry with us for invading his space? Where did Jordan go? Why did my father leave me alone?" I thought to myself while Frostie remained quiet.

Several minutes passed in complete silence. I tried to free myself to no avail. I was so desperate that I started counting the nails in the ceiling. I had reached two hundred when my nostrils caught two scents that I immediately felt familiar. The scents belonged to Jordan and my father who had just got in and whispered across the room.

-"Father" I whispered managing to gain their attention.

-"At last you are awake!" father told me in a weird way.

-"What happened? Why am I tied up?" I wondered.

-"Cause Jordan is an idiot!" he said angrily and approached me. He started untidying the ropes while I sat up in bed. I wasn't able to get up yet as I still felt a little dizzy...

-"Where is he?" I wondered.

-"He returned to the pack. He will replace you during your absence."

-"What? Why? Where will I go?" I snapped.

-"You'll stay here with me" he said coolly.

-"Here? Why?" I wondered.

-"I want your help on something. But first let's get some dinner."

-"Ok....!" I said while he was heading to the kitchen. He prepared the table while the food was heated up.

I stood up with great difficulty. My head was pounding and I felt dizzy. I walked to the table with great difficulty and sat on a chair.

Father served the food and sat also on his chair. He has made one of my favorite vegetable soups.

-"Oh my goodness it is delicious father!" I exclaimed in delight.

He gave me a satisfied look and dived into his food again. We ate in absolute quietness. I have already eaten the half of my food when I decided to ask father about my staying here.

-"So father, why did you have to drug me?"

-"What are you saying my beautiful daughter? Of course and you weren't drugged! How could you think something like that? You were only tied up by this idiot, Jordan!' said my father irritated, continuing to eat his food.

-"Then why I was out for so many hours?"

-"The journey was tiring and you hadn't slept well the day before" he answered.

-"It sounds reasonable" I thought to myself while Frostie had other opinion. She stirred angrily in my head but she didn't say anything.

-"Father why do you want me to stay here?" I asked him.

-"You are in great danger Elektra. I can't just leave you alone there"

-"Father I can take care of myself. I am not defenseless. Besides I am not alone, David and the other warriors are with me"

-"No, no I can't risk it. Here you will be safer" he insisted.

-"But father what are you afraid of?"

-"I have information that you will be attacked or kidnapped in order to force me to show up"

-"Who would do such a thing?" I wondered.

-"The Council along with Alexander and his friends"

-"I don't believe the Council uses such inappropriate measures" I contradicted.

-"Don't be so naïve, Elektra. There are so many things you don't know. Now if you finished your dinner go to sleep."

-"Good night father" I said while he greeted me with a nod.

There was another room in the cabin that I hadn't spotted earlier. According to father this would be my room while he would sleep in the bed next to the table. I went inside and put off my clothes. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. I didn't know why, but I had a strange feeling about it. Something was wrong, I could feel it. Why did father want me here? Why did he send Jordan back to the pack? My mind was a real mess. I couldn't understand what was going on. My father's excuse, though it seemed true, failed to convince me completely. Something strange was going on but what? I thought about it over and over until I fell asleep.

Alexander's pov:

-"Alpha it's Jade, our spy in the Black Shadow Pack, on the phone. He wants to speak to you asap" Jason informed me.

I was in my office working as usual until late when Jason informed me about; it must be something very important for Jade to call so late.

-"Tell him to come in" I ordered. Jason passed me the line and Jade's voice was heard.

-"Alpha good evening. I am calling you because I have something very important to tell you"

-"What is it?" I wondered. I didn't like his way at all. Something inside me warned me that I wouldn't like what I was going to hear.

-"Alpha Elektra has disappeared. I can't find her anywhere. She's missing since yesterday"

-"What are you saying? How she's missing? Where did she go?"

-"I really don't know...I asked around but nobody knew where she was. It's like she vanished into thin air."

-"What about her Beta and the other high ranking members of the pack? What do they say about it?"

-"Some of them expressed their concern and frustration but most of them believe that she left because she had found her mate."

-"What? That can't be true! I know for sure that she didn't go to her mate!"

-"Then maybe she visited other packs to ask for money. Black Shadow pack isn't going well since Bartholomew's arrest. It deals with lots of financial problems"

-"That's it. Probably she went to ask for money. But what troubles me is that she went alone. Why didn't she take a guard with her?"

-"I really don't know. Although she left with the previous Beta, Jordan, he returned the next day. Maybe he accompanied her to the pack and then left"

-"That's strange! Why did she take the previous Beta with her? Especially when she doesn't like him at all... Please search it further and inform me when you find anything..."

-"Of course Alpha" Jade said and hung up.

I was confused. Where did Elektra go? Why did she leave in that way from her pack and why did she take Jordan with her? What's going on?

My wolf was as worried as I was. Something bothered us and it didn't fit right. Elektra was a very intelligent and careful woman. Why did she react so recklessly? Why did she decide to visit other packs all by herself? What was she up to? Suddenly my wolf intervened in my head:

-"Maybe she went to her father... Have you considered it? We know that she secretly helps him" my wolf commented.

-"No, I can't believe it! She wouldn't dare......" I objected.

-"Don't be so sure about it! If I were you I would search it more"

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