Chapter 29 - Hunting day

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Elektra's pov:

It has been two weeks since the council handed down the verdict for my father: Thirty years in prison with no extenuating circumstances. As soon as I heard it, I was devastated. I still can't believe how blind the Court has been. Richard managed to put the blame on my father for all the illegalities and everyone believed him just like that.
Father swore to me that he was innocent and I believe him. Why lie to me? He was always honest with me. The only thing he did wrong that day was that he trusted his best friend and accompanied him. A friend who betrayed him in the end and presented my father as the sole mastermind of all his illegal actions. I suspected Richard was hiding something since we visited his pack. I found it strange that his pack was so lavish when his companies were few and small. I wonder why father didn't see it all this time. Richard's wealth was of unprecedented value. Unfortunately, none of these claims succeeded in changing the Court's verdict. Richard was able to make a deal and reduce his sentence, while my father was charged all the responsibility.

When my father serves his sentence he will be eighty years old. I know he's a strong man and can handle any tough situation but I can't let him rot in a cell especially when he's innocent! I want to help him but meeting him is difficult. After his trial he was transferred to the state prison of the kingdom where visiting a prisoner is not an easy task.

Several months have passed, with me and our lawyer trying our best to get my father released. We managed to appeal the Court's decision on my father's sentence by presenting some exculpatory evidence. Now we await the final verdict. I will free my father no matter what the consequences will be.

During all these months, in addition to trying to free my father, I have officially taken charge of the Black Shadow Pack as Alpha. My intention is to clear my pack name and regain the respect my pack used to have. Our company will be strong and respectable again. I'll make sure of it.

I have already changed many things like the position of the omegas and the mandatory training. From now on men and women will attend warrior training for a short period of one year. Everyone must learn how to fight in order to protect their loved ones and themselves.

~~~~~~Six months later

Alexander's pov:

Six months have passed and still no sign of Elektra. I managed to meet her in a few meetings but she didn't pay any attention to me. I learned about her struggle to free her father from prison and I couldn't understand her at all. How does she care for a father who turned out to be a criminal? How can she be so supportive of a father who raped a teenager? How can she still justify him after such a heinous act that it is probably not the only one?

My wolf keeps justifying her by telling me that Bartholomew is her father and Electra is doing what any other good daughter would do... That I judge her harshly because I am angry with her for rejecting me. But I know that's not why I'm having trouble justifying her. What really bothers me is that all this time she is fighting to free her father as if he is an innocent man which he is not! She forgave her father's actions, thus showing no respect for any of his victims. How could she do such a thing? I really hoped she would realize she was wrong, but I can't kid myself anymore. Maybe it's true what they say: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Her attitude and actions all this time show only one thing: that she supports her father. What person supports a criminal if they are not a criminal themselves?

Hopefully one of Bartholomew's victims has put the past behind her and made a new start. Cassandra seems to have gotten over her rape, according to her psychologist. She started working again and making new friends and has become more active socially lately. When she turned eighteen, two months ago, she announced to me that she wanted to start training with the warriors. There is an age limit for training in our pack. To be able to participate in military training you must be at least eighteen years old. Ever since she was accepted into the warrior group, she hasn't stopped training for a single day. She is always present in every training and as time goes by she gets better. Her progress is impressive! Steve says she's a real talent. Cassandra and I have become very close friends and we often hang out together in my free time. Although she is over a decade younger than me, she is very mature for her age. Plus, we discovered we have so much in common. She is a very strong girl with a similar moral code and principles to me. Time with her is always pleasant. I enjoy her company and I found she has a great sense of humor.

Today was Sunday and as every Sunday we arranged with Steve and other members of the pack, such as Cassandra and Alina, to go hunting. I love the hunt as I let Ares run free and relax a bit.
We were in the middle of the forest divided into two groups. Me and Cassandra and Steve with Alina. We lurked behind some bushes, waiting for our potential prey to arrive which soon appeared. It was a great deer. Strong, tall with big horns on his head. It was grazing in the clearing a little below where we were hiding. Even though we were in our wolf forms, we were still in control of our bodies and minds. Cassandra and I immediately arranged our movements. I would go from behind while Cassandra would attack him from the front. The plan was crowned with great success: the dear fell into our trap. When Cassandra's wolf appeared she tried to defend herself. It dealt with Cassandra using his big horns when I attacked from behind and managed to grab it by the throat. And that was the end of it!
We returned to the meeting point in triumph carrying our booty. Steve and Alina were surprised not by my hunting skills but more by Cassandra's. They didn't expect her to make such progress in such a short time! Three months ago, Cassandra was a sweet little girl but now she has turned into a strong woman! I must admit that her change surprised me in a good manner. Cassandra turned out to be a studious person with great potentials. She can get very high if she wants to.... What makes me happier is that she overcame her rape and didn't let this bad incident ruin her life!I really admire her and feel very proud of it!
As soon as we reached the clearing where Steve and Alina were waiting for us we decided to light a big fire and cook the meat. Steve and I picked up some wood and lit the fire while Cassandra and Alina prepared the meat.
The sun has already set for hours when the meat was made and we sat down to eat it. We had brought some wine and fruits. We had left the fruit and wine in the small pond next to the clearing to keep them cool. Dinner was delicious and we all devoured our food with great pleasure! We told the others how we managed to catch the deer in just two moves making Steve and Alina exclaim in delight. The hours passed pleasantly. We drank lots of wine, danced and played games before deciding to call it a day. We slept in the tents we had set up since morning. Me and Steve in one while Alina and Cassandra in the other.

As we were sleeping I heard a strange sound from outside. I quickly got up and went to check it out. I scanned the area near the tents but found absolutely nothing. I was about to enter my tent again when a pleasant smell caught my nostrils. I turned around to find a very familiar face smiling at me. What was she doing here so late at night?

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