Chapter 53 - Speculations

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Elektra's pov:

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. It was dark outside while there was a little light on in the room. I fumbled for the light switch and turned on the lights. The light made my eyes hurt for a few seconds until they adjusted to it. I looked around me. The room was very big and beautiful. White and cream were dominating. There was a big closet at my right and a small door at my left that probably led to the bathroom. I was lying on a very big double bed that had soft cotton sheets and a warm blanket.

As I tried to figure out where I was, memories from hours earlier flooded my head. I was in Alexander's office, I rejected him and fainted! Oh my goddess what have I done! How could I do such a thing? What was I thinking?

This man was always beside me. He helped me in everything and supported me when no one else did.

I felt so ashamed of myself. How could I 've been so naive? How will I be able to look him in the eye again after this? I have to get out of here right now.

-"Don't you dare do such a thing! I've had enough of your nonsense!" Frostie stirred angrily in my head.

-"I can't face him after what I did! I just can't Frostie! Please understand!"

-"Don't be such a baby! You are a grown woman! Face the consequences of your actions!"

-"I....I can't...I am not ready yet. I mean I will do it but not right now!"

It was then that I heard a knock on the door and my heart started beating like crazy.

-"Yes?" I said as I covered myself with the blanket to look more decent. The knock was soft and made me think it was probably an omega behind the door. Unfortunately I was wrong, because when the door opened, I realized with embarrassment that eventually it was Alexander behind the door.

-"Hello Elektra. How are you?" he asked as he approached my bed. He sat beside me and waited for my response.

-"I.....I.....I am fine" I replied avoiding looking straight at him.

-"Elektra...." he said in a sweet tone.

-"Please don't......" I told him timidly putting my hand lightly on his. It was then that I felt something very strange and unpredictable! I felt the sparkles that everybody talked about! But how?

-"Elektra why did you reject me? How can you still have doubts about my feelings for you?..I ...I ...." Alexander was rambling while I looked at him in surprise.

-"Alexander I..."

-"Elektra why did you do that? Why are you so insecure about my feelings?" he wondered.

-"Alexander I feel it! I feel it!" I exclaimed excitedly jumping up and down the bed.

-"What?" he wondered looking at me in surprise.

-"I feel the sparkles! I finally feel it!" I exclaimed happily.

-"What? What are you talking about?" he said confused.

-"I feel the bond! I feel the bond!" I said excitedly.

-"How is this possible?" he wondered.

-"I really don't know but I am totally happy about it!"

-"I have to go!" Alexander said as he abruptly stood up and headed to the door.

-"Wait! Where are you going?"

-"I'll be right back!" he said and exited the room.

I was left alone in the room. Why did he leave so suddenly? What happened to him? Maybe I was right after all. He doesn't want me anymore.....

-"Oh my goddess! Can you stop saying nonsense?" Frostie intervened inside my head. "Sit here and wait for him until he returns" she continued in a strict tone.

Several times passed in absolute loneliness until I heard a knock on the door. Some seconds later, the door opened again and an omega came inside carrying a tray.

-"Good evening miss, I brought you your dinner. Have a nice appetite" she said while she put the tray on the little table.

-"Thank you" I replied nonchalantly. I have nothing against this girl, but her presence at this hour was not what I expected.

-"Would you like anything else?" she asked timidly.

-"No, I am ok. You can go" I told her while she headed to the door and left the room.

I remained in my spot looking at the tray. Nothing went down. My appetite was gone.

The only thing that troubled me was Alexander's unexpected escape. What happened to him? Why did he leave when I told him about the sparks? Did that make him change his mind or did he already come here to tell me he accepts my rejection?

-"Stop racking your brain and relax. Let's eat. I am starving" Frostie intervened in my head.

-"How are you so insensitive when everything is falling apart?" I contradicted.

-"What do you want me to do? I think more clearly when my stomach is filled" she said incredulously while my tummy made a very loud noise.

-"You see?" Frostie continued triumphantly. "Now get up and grab a spoon. The food looks delicious and you know I prefer it hot".

I rolled my eyes at her comments, but got up and went to the tray. The smell of the soup filled my nostrils and made me drool. I grabbed the bread and started to devour the food making several moans. The food tasted heavenly!

-"I am glad you like it!" a man's voice came from across the room and made me choke on my own saliva.

-"I am sorry I didn't want to scare you!" the man said as he approached me. "Are you all right?" he asked in concern.

-"Who are you?" I asked in a defensive way after I wiped my face with the towel.

-"I am sorry. I am Steve Alexander's Beta. Nice to meet you!" he said smiling offering his hand to me for a handshake which I returned.

-"Nice to meet you. I am Elektra, Alpha,...... I mean ex Alpha of the Black Shadow Pack"

-"I know who you are! I've seen you at the annual gathering and several meetings" he commented in enthusiasm making me feel ashamed of myself for not remembering him.

-"Oh" I managed to say. Steve realized my awkwardness and said:

-"So, Alexander sent me to inform you that something urgent came up and he will see you tomorrow. Whatever you need, don't hesitate to call me."

-"Thank you...I guess.." I said awkwardly. He sent me his Beta to justify his absence...Nice!

-"Have a nice evening" Steve said and walked out of the room leaving me more flustered than before. Alexander's behavior became stranger when we discovered that I felt the bond.

-"Stop tormenting yourself. Tomorrow we will find out" Frostie commented in my head.

-"That's what I am afraid of " I said worriedly.

-"Try to eat something" Frostie suggested.

-"No, nothing goes down" I replied sadly.

-"Stop making scenarios in your head" Frostie scolded me.

-"How can I not do that? Don't you see what's happening here?" I asked her in annoyance.

-"You exaggerate as always. You heard that something urgent came to Alexander. That is why he left so abruptly. You must eat your dinner and get some sleep. Stop occupying your head with trivial thoughts" Frostie advised.

-"Easy for you to say..." I commented annoyed and lay back on my bed while sleep overwhelmed me.

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