I was a teenage Abamination.

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I once believed love was burning red but,

 it's golden like daylight.


A large gust of wind flys in from the open window, my curtains flowing aside revealing the burning morning light. I groan as I raise my body from the thin mattress I now live on.

I get up from my bed, stretching myself till mostly every part of my body cracks. I open up my closet door still half asleep, i pull a knitted F/C sweater and a pair of shorts out I put them on and I walk into Luz and mines shared bathroom.

I wash my face and comb my hair as Luz walks in. 

"Good morning Y/N!" She practically screams.
"Morning." I groan.
"Why so grumpy?" Luz asks. "I'm not grumpy, i'm just tired." I give her a small smile.

"Well! You definitively shouldn't be grumpy because it's our first day of witch apprentice-ship." She smiles

"So Y/N how douse it feel to be the student of the most powerful witch on the boiling isles?" She says in a deep voice pretending the be a reporter, holding up a hairbrush as a microphone.

"Luz, i can't believe i'm saying this. But i miss real school." Luz frowns. "This is nothing like Hogwarts." I add on.
"Forget Hogwarts! Eda said she had a special quest for us today, and maybe we can go out and see if there's any witches here that are our age?"

"Sure, shortie." I try to sound happy for her sake.

"Hey i'm not that short!" She mutters as we walk out.


"Well, girls have you ever seen anything more beautiful than this?" Eda proclaims pointing at the over siced slug that's laying in front of us. Dead.

"I don't like this"

"Yea, ew...."

Eda starts rambling on about how inspiring the trash slug is. I advert my eyes away from the pile of once alive garbage and decide that i should make run for it, so that i don't have to spend my entire day digging trough garbage.

"Hey Eda! Great talk but i have to... Go to the bathroom. Y'know lady problems!" I say winking at her.

"Yea, yea do what you have to kid." Eda says giving me a mom-ish smile.

"What are lady problems?" I hear King ask Eda as i walk back to the owl house.


I slip of my pink crocks and put on a pair of white sneakers.
I decided that today id go explore the town bones-borough or more specifically the towns library.

I walk for about twenty minutes before i finally reach the library.
Outside there are two green haired teens one girl and one boy their about my age.

As i walk over to open the door they both stare at me.

"Hey!" The girl says to get my attention.

"Hi?" I say back trying to be polite.

"My names Emira and this is my brother Edrick, i haven't seen you before your not from here are you?" She leans in looking closer at me.

Her eyes widen "Wait! Shit your a human." Her brother leans his face way close to mine an says "wow, I've never seen a human before! You're ears their so....round!"

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