The first day.

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You kept me like a secret.

But i kept you like an oath.


Timeskip-catch up ;)

The past few days have been packed with all sorts of  different suspenseful and potentially dangerous activities.

First of all, we went to a covention there were a lot of interesting covens but nothing that really peaked my interest, oh and Luz fought in a witches duel against some green haired girl. Typical Luz.

I stepped upon the Blight twins again, coincidentally at the library, i'm starting to think they actually like that place. They were quite happy i wasn't dead. We spoke for a bit, but they picked up Luz and started picking on their little sister with her so i left them to go read.  Oh and i read this one book that i particularly liked. "Magic in the olden days."  Funny thing is, is that for such a spectacular read there was only one other name in the catalog. 'Hunter' I honestly thought the book would have ought to be extremely popular, and I don't know who this Hunter guy is but i bet he has amazing taste!

I went to detention at hexside school which was interesting, i met some of Luz's friends from there. Guz and Willow,  we went on a trip with Eda's staff and we almost got it taken away by some giant bat!

King became a best selling author, which was very demeaning for my writing aspirations. Eda,I,  Luz and the Blight siblings, went up into the mountains to practice magic, and i'm glad to account for that i now can both do the light spell and a new ice one!

Now all i have to dream of is that they are enough to land me a place at hexside.


"I'm not ready for this Eda, Maybe we should go back?"

"Nah, you've got this. Just like we practiced!"

"But what if I...What if I mess everything up. What if i do something wrong?" Luz gasps.

"What if we die!?" She shivers.

"Luz! Don't say that i'm starting to freak out." I complain

"You're lucky, i'm already very much so freaked out!" She almost screams.

"Hey, come on girls, calm down, calm down! I had to do the same thing when i was a witchling. It's like rite of passage. Granted, i was a little more skilled."

"Eda!" Luz shrieks.

"Way to comfort." I moan.

"Right, right. Sorry, sorry. Get pumped!"



"Get ready!" 

Luz straightens herself and pulls her hood up."Ready!"

"Now, go!" Eda pushes Luz onto the stage.

"Good luck!" I scream as i sit down onto the floor.

"Eda if she dies, will you send me back to the human realm."

"Oh god no, id keep you until you rot and die." 

"Wow. Comforting." 


Luz stands in the spotlight, the curtains roll open revealing her to the bored face of principal Bump.  Luz coughs then proceeds to speak in her best movie trailer narrator voice.

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