Hunting palismen

83 2 14

And if you're thinking of me, 

I'm probably thinking of you.


I wake up in cold sweat, seeping out of me is panic from the recurring dreams I've been having. The same dream every god damn night. They're painful, agonizing just like that night, I almost shiver when I think of it. How with a few sentences I've probably changed the course of my entire life, and now the future is a page I don't want to read. Not one bit of me is curious to see where it leads, I don't want to know how my story ends I wan't to go back and rewrite it. 

I've spent every moment of my existence wallowing on how awful everyone has set up my life to be,  I could always blame other people but this time I really fucked myself over. I thought I was cursed from the get go, but oh how wrong I was. 

But as of this moment no matter how trapped I feel inside myself, and no matter how much life feels like too little or too much. I feel sort of saved, or not saved but like someone is for once, well funnily enough mine. His calloused hands, messy hair, wine red eyes that seem so incandescent, his toothy smile and witty humor, it all belongs to me. Which might sound really creepy, but when you understand the feeling you'll understand that there's nothing sinister about it.  

The only sinister thing about my feelings for him, is him. Because the terrible truth is I don't have him and no matter how much I convince my own delusional mind that he is kind and pure intetioned, everything he's ever done should have convinced me otherwise. Villain's always seem like a good decision on the big screen, but in reality it's probably not very smart to be making pacts of being one another's with an overpowered corrupted leaders right hand man. 

But in my own sick and twisted way I need this, and I get it. When you'r life as been a series of falling down cliff after cliff, face planting on pavement every God damn morning you get sentimental and obsessive over the small things or the people that haven't yet hurt you. Rue the day they do hurt you, because then you won't be able to let go. 

Hunter's pov

I hate her, I hate her.  I repeat the phrase over and over hoping if i say it enough it'll stick, and I'll somehow truly mean it. Her twisted limbs sprawled over my shoulder's her salty tears streaming down my shoulder, my hand's around her waist and her's hanging over my shoulder's, her hand tangled in my hair, her laugh, the way I've never smiled more than when i'm with her and how glad I am for having met her. There's no way I could ever hate that.

But now someone knows about us, and that could easily get back to Belos. He would hurt me and he could hurt her as well.  So I have to hate her, keep my distance and not let myself believe I deserve her company. So that's it, from now on.

I Hate her,

I don't like her,

I wish I never met her,

I don't think about her,

I don't crave her,

Her touch, her voice, her wit and laugh

have no meaning to me,

She is just a stranger, a human I don't know. 

And she can no longer be my friend.

Y/N's Pov

There's a knock on my window, loud to say the least. It's followed by the loud screech of my window being pulled open. And in crawls none other than the Bat Queen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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